Everything is just ducky.
《牛津词典》In almost all places in New York State where ducky salamanders used to live, suburban development has cleared uplands and put down asphalt.
I would need my rubber ducky.
This is the end of the ducky tutorial.
My name's Ducky.
Ducky Daddle, the sky is falling. We're going to tell the king.
She and her father would often look on the map to find where the ducky and I were.
A decade ago, my young niece Tasha Kim made a two-inch rubber ducky applique for me.
十年前,我的小侄女金塔莎(Tasha Kim)给我做了个两英寸大的橡胶鸭贴花。
Ducky not evade excuses, but want to change a mood life, even change a light reading.
I would need my rubber ducky, a bucket, and a boat, my toy whale, a submarine, a rubber ball that floats.
Whether hunting for the perfect gift or wanting to get something just ducky, many great choices await you.
When I ran Rubber Ducky, I saw that the duck was upside down and drowning due to the water level is too high.
I would need my rubber ducky, a bucket and a boat, my toy whale, a submarine, a rubber ball. No, I can not take a bath.
Searches are divided into a classic search, information search, shopping and their own spin off from Google, “I’m feeling ducky.”
搜索结果被分为普通搜索、信息搜索、购物搜索和通过语义从Google分割的结果。 真是"乐翻了"( “I’m feeling ducky.”
So Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, Ducky-daddles, Goosey-goosey, and Turkey-turkey all went to tell the King the sky was a-falling.
I’d like to think these postcards to Tasha not only helped her with geography but opened her eyes to the world — and how far a little ducky can go in it.
The ducky has made a five-hour climb in the middle of the night on Buddha’s birthday to the top of Sri Pada in Sri Lanka, where it is said Buddha left a footprint.
它陪着我在佛陀生日那天的午夜爬了5个小时才到达斯里兰卡的圣足山(Sri Pada)之巅,传说佛陀在那留下了一个脚印。
So if I had a spare moment, I would hold the applique in front of the camera, at one corner, and shoot a couple of frames with a 24-millimeter lens, showing the ducky in its latest context.