The 2005 edition is an update of the first Mental Health Atlas 2001, and contains the most complete global data available on mental health resources.
The Xi'an City Wall is the most complete city wall that has survived China's long history.
He is skeptical—he does not accept statements which are not based on the most complete evidence available—and therefore rejects authority as the sole basis for truth.
The most complete work on finite and infinitesimal analysis was written in 1748 by Maria Gaetana Agnesi.
The most complete set of tests possible
This is the most expensive dump, but also the most complete.
I was not the most beautiful. But perhaps I was the most complete.
A thesaurus is the most complete description for a particular topic.
The 47-million-year-old prize is the most complete primate fossil ever found.
System dump or core dump is the most expensive dump, but also the most complete.
Zoho is arguably the most complete and full-featured Web Office suite on the market.
This is one of the most complete test suites to ever come out of a W3C working group.
The most complete set of tests possible, which increases your confidence in the code.
If the last backup was a full backup image, it and the delta provide the most complete backup.
The frozen carcass turned out to be the most complete specimen of a prehistoric animal discovered.
这具冻尸结果是迄今发现的最完整的史前动物标本,但卢芭仍旧未能回答一直困扰着人类的问题 - 猛犸象在地球上繁衍生息数十万年后为什么神秘消失了?
Zoho has the most complete offering so far, including many other apps not listed (Meeting, Wiki, etc).
WebSphere Studio builds on the tools provided by Eclipse to provide the most complete tool for J2EE development.
WebSphere Studio 构建在 Eclipse 提供的工具之上,为 J2EE 开发提供了最完整的工具。
This is a simple interface to what is probably the world's largest (and most complete) cache of the entire Web.
The petite 3.2-million-year-old skeleton called Lucy is one of the most famous and most complete of human ancestors.
The upside of this strict focus is that ZSI is probably the most complete and compliant SOAP library for Python.
The command Reference still contains the most complete information about syntax and available options for each command.
While we cannot authenticate their authenticity, they are the most complete images we've seen yet of the rumored device.
Perhaps it's not the most complete Web application you have ever written, but you have to admit that it really was easy.
Discovered in Skara Brae, Oakney, in 1850, are the remains of a Stone age village - the most complete in Northern Europe.
The first (and most complete) source is the Ext User Extensions and Plug-ins forum on the Sencha website (see Resources).
第一个(也是最完整的)来源是Sencha网站(见参考资料)上的Ext User Extensions和Plug - ins论坛。
Of all the free money management software out there, GnuCash is the most complete and also the closest alternative to Quicken.
First built some 600 years ago, it is the largest and most complete existing architectural complex of ancient royal palace in the world.
Human meat has the most complete protein content. This doesn't mean we have to eat other people or animals to get all the protein we need.
But the census results also constitute the country's biggest and most complete market-research survey, and are therefore invaluable to business.
For more information, refer to the official assembler manuals (see Resources for links), as those are the most complete sources of information.