Prot warriors for example miss Shield Slams.
Requested PROT level not supported by mechanism.
It also has the function of error checking and prot...
BAUDOUIN PROT has an unusual habit for a chief executive.
作为一位首席执行官,普罗特(Baudouin Prot)有一个独特的习惯。
The method based on expressed peptide for mapping epitope on viral prot…
Perhaps Mr Prot 's pauses are one of the secrets of BNP Paribas's success.
As I've also said, there are some things we want to do with Prot to improve it.
The message is CONFIDENTIAL and PREVILEGED or otherwise prot. ected from disclosure.
The oil flowing relay is the important prot of the cooling system of power transformer.
The file format of the database is described in the Swiss-Prot user manual (see Resources).
该数据库的文件格式在Swiss - Prot用户手册中有描述(同样,请参阅参考资料以获得链接)。
We're happy with the state of Prot now and even happier that warriors seem to like the spec.
我们对防御天赋的状态很满意; 甚至比战士们自己对这个天赋的评价还要高。
We have no problem if Prot paladins are hard to kill like Prot warriors or bear druids are hard to kill.
Objective: To investigate the expression of S100A4 prot Ein in different thyroid tumor and related with metastasis.
If you decided to cut out abilities for prot or ret paladins due to rotations being too complex, what would they be?
Nobody can really compare a level 80 prot warrior to a level 80 feral druid because those individuals don't exist yet.
The first fight is a true show of how much you can entirely lock down a healer as prot spec that you could not do as Arms or Fury.
Genetically engineered antibody fusion proteins have more advantages over traditional chemical crosslinking antibody fusion prot...
We're not saying (for now) that Prot must do dps with a shield instead of dual-wielding Devastates, but this should make it more viable.
Deep Ret and deep Prot need 1 or 2 more cool talents. We'll carve out room by bundling or just swapping out some of the current talents.
Objective To investigate the application value of C-12 prot Ein biochip detective system in the diagnosis of digestive tract malignancies.
The graphics of the SEM showed the morphology of the films and indicated the actions on the first wall from the plasma, which verified the prot…
Many databases and tools of bioinformatics, such as GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ, and SWISS-PROT, are important resources for molecular breeding research.
Prot等数据库及其序列查询系统、 序列比对软件和序列提交软件是园艺植物分子育种中的重要生物信息资源。
The distribution of the geological relics is discussed based on the Hunan's geological traits, and then authors put forward the development and prot...
"We saw an extraordinary concentration of rumours last week," says Baudouin Prot, chief executive of BNP Paribas, which had just reported excellent results.
As I've also said, there are some things we want to do with Prot to improve it. We could make a very fat, very boring tree with 30 talents that promise excellent passive mitigation.
A matrix treatment is presented by two different methods based on multi-mirror theory to calculate the transmission characteristics of the multi-cavities Fabry-Prot filters with attenuation.