In fact, I am no longer willing to go on with the obligatory exchanges of niceties that are supposed to be part and parcel of a marriage.
Surely, though, planning for such contingencies can reasonably be considered part and parcel of the technology writ large.
The first step should be to change people's lifestyles fundamentally so that the car is no longer part and parcel of their everyday life.
And while arguments and fights may be a part and parcel of each and every relationship, there's no better way of making-up than with a hot and steamy romp between the sheets.
This is sometimes considered part and parcel with functionality (or should be in a perfect world), but is often ignored to the peril of the project as a whole. Some issues to consider here are
These are part and parcel of your spiritual path and must be expected as you continue your journey to the greater unfoldment of your spiritual abilities and gifts.
It's part and parcel of football now, you have to deal with it and be professional.