Talent advantages of wide resources lay foundation for our work.
The function of a good textbook is to lay foundation on which you can develop your own interest.
Aim to establish the fingerprint chromatogram of Huangqiongkangshuan capsules by TLCS and lay foundation of quality standard.
To explore the risk factors of pulmonary tuberculosis (PT) in the enterprises in Changde and to lay foundation for their prevention and control.
The paper combines with the issue needs and proceeds research for technology of designing and testing in order to lay foundation for the next step.
The result proves that the new teaching model can better help students to master sport technology and to improve body diathesis, and lay foundation for the whole life physical training.
Through the exposition of the legislative status of our administrative legal responsibility system, lay foundation for the analysis of defects in our administrative legal responsibility system.
Firstly, define "company" this article will discuss next, and define the meaning and scope of corporation's acquisition of its own shares, so as to lay foundation for the following expatiation.
By acquiring reasoning skills in the first few years of college, students can lay a foundation for lifelong learning.
A positive learning attitude can not only improve the quality of study but also lay a good foundation for lifelong learning.
The state of the economy calls for a bold and swift action, and we will act—not only to create new jobs but to lay a new foundation for growth.
The results would lay a good foundation for genetic improvement for Pinus bungeana.
This will lay the foundation for the future series of articles where we will apply patterns to a service implementation.
Einstein's broader theory of relativity told us more about how the universe works and helped to lay the foundation for quantum physics, but it also introduced more confusion into theoretical science.
We will first lay a foundation, explaining both the language and the methods we used to identify and categorize the various best practices.
DNS will lay the foundation for the massive expansion, popularization and commercialization of the Internet.
Following the adage that you first lay a foundation before building a house, the team concentrated first on a sound data transfer and content management scheme.
Second, humanities exchanges should be actively conducted to lay a solid social foundation for bilateral relations.
Although billions were lopped off his original plan, most of his proposals emerged unscathed, including cash to lay the foundation for a nationwide healthcare system.
This Summit will approve a set of rules of procedure, which will lay the legal foundation for efficient operation of various SCO bodies.
Though I've built more than a few applications from scratch, it only takes me a couple months to lay the foundation, and then I'm in maintenance mode again.
But the new study may help lay a foundation for answering that critical question in the years ahead.
Your project environment lays the foundation for how your development team will work together, so you need to lay the foundation as early as you can.
He said that the exchanges between youth of both sides lay down the foundation and determine the future of bilateral friendship.
I was going to India to lay the foundation for what I had hoped would be a positive long-term relationship.
The 30 years since have been a time of growing exchanges and understanding. And with this visit we can lay the foundation for the next 30 years.
The WSDM 1.0 specifications lay the foundation for using Web services as a management platform.
WSDM 1.0 规范为把 Web 服务作为管理平台来使用打下了基础。