Intelligence, cuteness and patience are the words that can best describe pigs' good qualities.
The cuteness of the baby is off the chart!
So, let's hope that this one comes out very soon with all its cuteness.
Cuteness is the key to the contemporary urban obsession with small dogs.
If you're still not convinced, we haven't even gotten to the best part: the CUTENESS.
Or should the cuteness or friendliness of the cut count towards the morality of the eating?
However, the "cuteness" and "ugliness" of things are decided based only on one's personal opinion.
Cuteness was an asset worth paying for, they said, especially for an "umbrella species" like the panda.
That batty lady who picks the winners based on the cuteness of the mascots will crush you in your office pool.
She didn't have to do a talent or show confidence because she can't walk or talk so I think it was judged on cuteness.
It wasn't until I was born and they succumbed to my infantile cuteness that they broke down and told her that they were thrilled to have another grandson.
So, to celebrate the beauty of these little rodents, a list of cute baby chinchillas has been put together. Beware - it's a cuteness overload waiting to happen!
They didn't have the aforementioned midfielder or the guy with enough cuteness in the final third to hurt a Barcelona defence clearly uncomfortable under pressure.
Inspired by their cuteness and a desire to make adifference, wildlife conservationist and photographer Sam Trull has dedicated her career tosaving these charismatic animals.
Inspired by their cuteness and a desire to make a difference, wildlife conservationist and photographer Sam Trull has dedicated her career to saving these charismatic animals.
Eva Mendes mixes cuteness with comfort, pairing her Alice + Olivia coral high-waist pants with various effortlessly chic white tops and finishing the look with a cool necklace or bag.
伊娃·门德斯用这条Alice + Olivia的珊瑚红高腰裤搭配轻松又有型的白色上衣,使得整个造型可爱又不失舒适,又用非常有型的项链和包包来是整个造型更完整。
They have a sweet kitty cat nose, big dark eyes and those silly flippers that make you think that they might be an interbred of a dolphin, a cat and a calf into a blubbery ball of soft fury cuteness.