Ours could well be the last generation for which moviegoing has a sense of magic.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Young people on the islands are even starting to wonder: will they be the last generation?
"It underlines just how much things have changed in the last generation," Barrett says.
Cyanuric-one, the last generation Cyanuric.
But you are the last generation born when the world was divided.
This took us inside the last generation of Haenyo, Korea's real-life mermaids.
What this country has accomplished in the last generation deserves all of our respect.
In other words, every generation gets to improve on the dreams of the last generation.
The debts of the last generation should not influence relationships in the next generation.
In my own case, we were the last generation where Dad earns the income and Mom holds down the home front.
A century ago - even 30 years ago - it was the object of envy. But in the last generation its character has changed.
Keys are more springy than before, more solid and responsive than the somewhat loose, flappy ones on the last generation.
另一个有所改变之处,是键盘的触感 -- 按键比上一代感觉要更硬、更有弹性些,不再软趴趴的。
Zuckerberg is part of the last generation of human beings who will remember life before the Internet, though only just.
The group of women [in the study] are the last generation, who may not have expected to have the careers they ended up having.
He examines the history, movements and trends over the last generation that have brought Europe to its current perilous state.
Ours may be the last generation of Americans to sufferfor return — to remember events that took place when place stillmattered.
I think I was really lucky because as an aging boomer we were probably the last generation that did have a little time to grow up.
She is the last generation of modern women who were brought up on the notion that their task is home-making in every sense of the word.
However, Li explained that Tesla is a product of the last generation of electric vehicles, while NextEV represents the new generation.
These changes did not happen overnight. They've come upon us gradually over the last generation, years that were filled with shocks and tragedy.
We're the last generation that can solve the climate crisis, so we need to do it not only for ourselves but for my children and my grandchildren.
Similarly, Mr. Laqueur's book should cause the bureaucrats in Brussels and the citizens of the continent to rethink their course of action over the last generation.
He gives the following example: "the last generation of games was played on Xbox and Nintendo, but many more people now play social games with their friends online."
The most advanced ballistic missile currently in service, the DF-31 features higher mobility and therefore better survivability compared to the last generation Chinese ICBM.
DF - 31是目前服役中最先进的弹道导弹,与中国上一代洲际弹道导弹(ICBM)相比较特点是高机动性和由此更好的生存能力。