SVO is actually a derivation of the base - generated SOV, motivated by Checking Theory.
So, the title should be in the normal grammar to name, that is to say, a word to be distinguished SVO, let people read.
First, Wu dialects as SVO-type are even less typical than Mandarin, but are more typical than it as topic-prominent type.
The difference between Chinese and Kam-Tai languages in comparative sentence depends on whether or not the language is a typical SVO one.
The SVO order was also used most of the time by the OVS group (66%), underscoring the significance of the SVO order for the Mandarin-speaking child.
It is taken granted that all English SVO constructions can be converted into their passive counter-parts, with their basic meaning remaining unchanged.
According to the terminology of linguistic typology, Basque is a SOV (subject-object-verb) language, and Spanish or English are, on the other hand, SVO type.
There is comparative complement in Miao language because in Miao language, the structure of SVO and preposition are much more typical than that in Chinese.
In SOV and SVO sentence patterns, the members of sentence are the same, but the construction of word order is not, displaying different structural features and sequence of words.
In isolated SVO cases, the short gastric vein (SGV, 86 % ), coronary vein (CV, 79 % ), gastroepiploic vein (GEV, 79 % ) and gastrocolic trunk (GCT, 57% ) were varicose and dilated.
孤立性脾静脉阻塞,胃短静脉(86% )、胃冠状静脉(79% )、胃网膜静脉(79% )和胃结肠干(5 7% )是常见的增粗血管;
Considering the characteristics of the entity authentication protocol, augment semantics SVO logic was used to describe its rationality and analyze its operation, and a flaw was found.