Hand, half round, pillar, flat and lathe.
I turned half round to follow, but stood irresolute.
It close to, or even can be classified as the round, the half round one.
I'll use thin half round styrene strips and plastic weld to soften them and work the weld look into them with a metal tool.
A counter-swirl had caught Farquhar and turned him half round; he was again looking into the forest on the bank opposite the fort.
It was reassuring to see that more than half of the extensions we featured last time 'round are still on the list, as they obviously kept their value.
The G8 circus has moved half way round the world - from Japan last year to Italy now.
8国集团已经环游世界大半圈了- - - - -从去年的日本到现在的意大利。
The very volcanoes are located in hollows, about half a kilometer in diameter. In the center of a hollow there is a round lake filled with mud.
Overall, half the participants did about as well on the last round of tasting as on the first, so fatigue, or taste burnout, was not a factor. CET-4, 1996.1.
The Houston proposal met only half the criteria set for the new location, while several other sites had better qualifications all round, especially the Boston area of Massachusetts.
It was Fischer s only loss in the 17-round tournament, and he finished first, two points ahead of Korchnoi and Smyslov (Petrosian was half a point behind them).
The Fed’s benchmark rate is down to 2.25%, so there isn’t much room for another round of half- and three-quarter point cuts.
Newcomers living in white gers—traditional round dwellings—and other small houses now make up more than half of the capital's 1.2 million people.
新迁来的移民居住在白色的蒙古包内,那是一种传统的圆形住所。 这些蒙古包与其他的小房子现今已占首都120万人口的一半。
"To you, eat fast, watch your heat. " Between the words of a round watermelons have been smashed in half punched An, the general has reached the hands of .
They asked students to imagine they were running a five-kilometre race against 50 people and then against 500 (or, in half of the cases, the other way round).
In the second half of May, a round trip ticket between Beijing and Frankfurt is less than four-thousand yuan. And the price for Beijing-Bangkok flights is only 15-hundred yuan.
These big ships need half a day to turn round.
A "quick round" on a weekend often occupies at least half of that day's daylight hours - a reality that can be especially infuriating if, say, a family is on vacation at the time.
Besides, the hotel also chic appearance year-round sunny sunshine and Arab myth type of luxury, lie on the bed can enjoy half is sea water, half of the desert Arabian gulf beauty.
Hiss face was round and oily, with half-closed eyelids and lips that curved in a gentle, stupid smile.
他的脸圆圆、油油的,眼皮半开半闭,弯曲的嘴唇显出温柔而呆滞的笑容。 缵。
At night, to build the spatial environment of city and setup people's activity is usually round the road, and then to become the other half style of city.
Cut oranges crosswise into round slices, then cut slices in half. Toss red leaf lettuce, orange slices, and red onion slices in large bowl.
As part of this campaign, he has made a new round of half-hearted attempts to revive the stalled "peace process" completely under Israel's terms.