A recent paper, titled "The Natural Selection of Bad Science", published on the Royal Society's open science website, attempts to answer this intriguing and important question.
When I handed in my paper, I was afraid that I might fail because I did not answer the questions.
Write your problem or question on a piece of paper in such a fashion that "yes" or "no" could be the answer.
Start your journey by committing your goal to paper and making a list of questions you will need to answer to accomplish your objective.
They've even set up website to solicit views by means of a survey. To take part, simply read their paper and answer their questions.
Their answer, according to a new working paper from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, is simple: numeracy.
Describe your situation and your problem briefly. Find a pad of paper or a journal book and answer the following questions: How is your situation exactly?
Well, the straightforward answer is a piece of paper had parts, and in breaking it, in ripping it, what I literally did was I ripped one part from another.
His answer, in a 2005 paper: "the majority." From clinical trials of new drugs to cutting-edge genetics, biomedical research is riddled with incorrect findings, he argued.
They worked outthat if each entry in the matrix were written on paper that was one inchsquare, the answer would cover an area the size of Manhattan.
During the test candidates read the questions for section one. They then listen to the first section and answer the questions on the question paper as they listen.
We’re testing that now (the cheap paper goggles are MRI-safe) and will have an answer in a few days.
And before he had time to answer, she wrote on a sheet of white paper, which lay in the middle of the table: "the bobbies are here."
When the game asked Caleb Deng what 5 + (6 x 3) was equal to, he quickly jotted down calculations on scrap paper before choosing the correct answer.
当游戏问到Caleb Deng 5 + (6 x 3)的结果是多少时,他快速的在算草纸上写下计算过程并选择了正确答案。
Drop the needles on the paper and calculate the percentage that fall on a line. With enough attempts, the answer should be the needle length divided by the width between lines, all multiplied by 2/pi.
RICHARD: I think I failed the French paper. I could answer sixteen of the questions.
A new paper* by òscar Jordà and Alan Taylor of the University of California, Davis, may have the answer.
一项由加利福尼亚大学的òscar Jordà 和 Alan Taylor发表的新研究报告可能会回答这个问题。
In the Writing paper what happens if I write the answer for Task 1 on the page for Task 2?
But I can't find an answer to this one in the paper.
The answer proposed by Dr Kim and Dr Weitz, in a paper in Angewandte Chemie, is to change the way e-ink is manufactured.
Your paper is an attempt to write a well-organized answer to whatever question you decide upon, using facts for the purpose of proving (or at least supporting) your contention.
你的论文要试图写出一个条理清晰的答案来回答你所选定的任意问题。 这个过程中,你可以通过运用事实来验证或至少来支持你的论文内容。
This paper attempts an answer.
According to a new discussion paper by a group of academics and policy activists, the answer is a form of stage management.
When the telephone rang the house parent laid the large cardboard paper down on the back cement step and went inside to answer the phone.
After conducting your Ethnographic research, what is your answer? What will your paper be trying to say?
I put my answer in a piece of paper and my friend told me.
If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer.