The size and location of the deltas were controlled by distributary watercourses.
He loved to run down dry watercourses, and creep and spy upon the bird life in the woods.
This often results in huge holes in the ground, noxious spoil-heaps and polluted watercourses.
Much is washed off by rain, ending up in local watercourses where dissolved nutrients can cause algal blooms and kill fish.
The river was harnessed at last, and the floodwaters poured safely into the sea through the watercourses they had dredged.
Run-off from animal manure also fouls watercourses, and the release of nitrous oxides from uncovered dung heaps pollutes the air.
动物粪便的流出物还污染了水道,未遮盖的粪堆释放出的氧化亚氮( N2O) ,还会污染空气。
Storm drainage, even though the water may enter watercourses by way of pipes or channels, is considered nonpoint source pollution.
A motor boat was whizzing along the rambling watercourses stretching about in the primitive forests of Gabon, a Western African country.
Ethiopic scorchings browned the upper slopes of the pastures, but there was still bright green herbage here where the watercourses purled.
There are scores of books recommending places to see, books to read, music to hear, golf holes to play or watercourses to fly-fish before we die.
Watercourses once seemed as boundless as those pigeons that darkened the sky overhead, and the notion of protecting water was as silly as bottling it.
水资源曾经很丰富,多的就像天空中黑压压的鸽子一样数不过来。 人们曾经很傻地认为把水装进瓶子里就是对水资源的保护。
Livestock farmers are also required to install and operate waste treatment systems under the Livestock Keeping Licensing Scheme to prevent pollution of watercourses.
The key technology of the dynamic simulate of the original flood evolvement is the design of the self-control search model of the boundary of the watercourses drainage area.
All the rivers in the city territory were controlled under a "River Manager & District Manager" system, and a long-term controlling rate for watercourses of 100% was reached.
Water pollutants are categorized as point source or nonpoint source, the former being identified as all dry weather pollutants that enter watercourses through pipes or channels.
Finally, I tried to sum up the relevant international legal practice experience and lessons, meanwhile, some shallow suggestion on the use of international watercourses have been referred to.
Before it can be released back into the nearby watercourses it has to meet stringent standards, including maximum levels of ammonia, heavy metals and any chemicals that might cause oxygen depletion.