Fast scoop up oil, put too much!
Help me scoop up this mess.
Scoop up some filling with a spoon.
She swallowed the gull to scoop up the fish.
I scoop up rocks from the dirt and throw them at it.
You scoop up too much and the rice spills on the tray.
To lift, scoop up, or carry with or as if with a spoon.
The male will scoop up the eggs and spit them into the nest.
Have money all volubility, wait for me to scoop up enough I fall again.
That way he might be able to scoop up the boys and get them off the track in time.
He adds that he is keeping cash on hand to scoop up assets should markets correct further.
Since you don 't use any utensils to eat, you can use this bread to scoop up the curry or rice.
We pile more food on larger plates and scoop up larger portions when the serving spoon is large.
So, my father took my hand, I go to pick another hand holding a branch, finally got the scoop up plastic bags.
When a swarm is detected, the scientists will scoop up a few dozen insects and glue little reflectors on their backs.
Later simulations show that even a companion with an orbit as wide as Neptune's could scoop up an accretion disk.
Time is a river, of which memory is the water. Oh my friend, what I scoop up from the river is all yearning of you.
For the sun and sand, scoop up your laptop, head to the beach, plop down near the water's edge, and read this column.
They scoop up insects and larvae, shellfish, and worms in their bill along with bits of gravel and mud from the bottom.
One said he was waiting for the “distress to deepen” so that he could swoop in and scoop up foreclosed homes and planes.
一人说,他正在等待这次“危难深化” ,以便他乘虚而入,从那些被取消了抵押权的房屋和飞机里捞一票。
They would scoop up the water with their bodies and then leap into the sky and let the water fall like rain upon the earth.
可以用他们的身体, 把大量的水带上天空, 然后让水像雨一般, 降下地面。
The favoured strategy is to snap up a small bank, healthy or not, and turn it into a vehicle to scoop up failed local rivals.
But my guess is that more often than not, people wait for strangers to scoop up the rest of the deals. That doesn't seem too social.
The Solar Probe Cup will scoop up bits of the sun’s corona and solar wind to continuously measure its speed, temperature and density.
太阳探测杯(The Solar Probe Cup)会收集一些日冕和太阳风去持续地测量速度、温度和密度等数据。
Mr. Buffett used his vast cash stockpile to scoop up bargains, including a $5 billion investment in Goldman Sachs Group preferred shares.
巴菲特利用自己庞大的现金储备四处搜寻“物美价廉”的好买卖,包括斥资50亿美元买了高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group)的优先股。
The robot can grasp tools to simulate the worker's hands to agitate high temperature smelting alloy and scoop up the slag from the surface of alloy.
In a little-known practice, investors can recruit a terminally ill person and together they can scoop up these bonds on the open market for a discount.