Snakes are carnivorous.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Humans also threaten carnivorous plants in other ways.
Carnivorous plants are, in fact, very inefficient at converting sunlight into tissue.
Some carnivorous plants that look nearly identical turn out to be only distantly related.
In several cases, scientists can see how complex carnivorous plants evolved from simpler ones.
Large carnivorous plants in some hot and wet areas have been known to capture rats, birds, and frogs.
There are, however, some special conditions in which the benefits of being carnivorous do outweigh the costs.
But even if the poaching of carnivorous plants can be halted, they will continue to suffer from other assaults.
Carnivorous animals such as ourselves use the carbon in protein and the fat in meat to build muscles and store energy.
While such plants clearly thrive on being carnivorous, the benefits of eating flesh are not the ones you might expect.
Bogs are also flooded with sunshine, so even an inefficient carnivorous plant can photosynthesise enough light to survive.
Many carnivorous dinosaurs have ambiguous features, such as "peg-like" teeth at the front of the mouth, or no teeth at all.
Unfortunately, the adaptations that enable carnivorous plants to thrive in marginal habitats also make them exquisitely sensitive.
Many carnivorous plants secrete enzymes to penetrate the hard exoskeleton of insects, so they can absorb nutrients from inside their prey.
The black market trade in exotic carnivorous plants is so vigorous now that botanists are keeping the location of some rare species a secret.
Carnivorous plants instead draw nitrogen, phosphorus, and other critical nutrients from their prey in order to build light-harvesting enzymes.
In other words, lets carnivorous plants do what all plants do: carry out photosynthesis, that is, grow by harnessing energy directly from the sun.
For more than a century, Tyrannosaurus rex has been the King of Dinosaurs, the carnivorous symbol of an entire age in the history of life on Earth.
By comparing the DNA of carnivorous plants with other species, scientists have found that they evolved independently on at least six separate occasions.
通过比较食肉植物和其他物种的 DNA,科学家发现它们至少在6个不同的时期独立进化。
Carnivorous plants are so finely tuned to low levels of nitrogen that this extra fertilizer is overloading their systems, and they eventually burn themselves out and die.
The poor soil of bogs, for example, offers little nitrogen and phosphorus, so carnivorous plants enjoy an advantage over plants that obtain these nutrients by more conventional means.
What do a carnivorous sponge, a lobular yam and a flat-faced psychedelic frogfish all have in common?
That's one sign of our carnivorous conversion.
Polar bears are the only completely carnivorous bears.
Bladderworts have just been named the world's fastest trapping carnivorous plants.
Other large carnivorous dinosaurs likely also engaged in cannibalistic feeding behaviors.
A pitcher plant is not ordinarily a healthy place for an ant, since these plants are carnivorous.
Across the globe, there are about 600 known species of carnivorous plants, spread across 17 genera.
These are large, carnivorous, cricket-like insects whose feet splay out wildly in different directions.
- monstrousadj. 巨大的;异常的;可怕的;恐怖的;丑陋的;丑恶的;骇人的;极其严重的;不公正的;荒谬的
- numerousadj. 众多的;很多的;大量的;许多的;数目庞大的;成群结队的;密集的;频繁的
- calamitousadj. 灾难的;悲惨的;不幸的
- adventurousadj. 爱冒险的;大胆的;大胆开拓的;充满冒险精神的;富于创新精神的;(指事物、方法、思想)新奇的
- perfidiousadj. 背信弃义的;不忠的;奸诈的;不可信任的
- posthumousadj. 死后的;身后的;遗腹的;死后出版的
- synonymousadj. 同义的;意义相同的;含义相近的;等同于…的;与…意义相当的
- humorousn. 幽默的;诙谐的;滑稽的;风趣的;有幽默感的;妙趣横生的;引人发笑的;富于幽默的
- anxiousadj. 焦虑的;忧虑的;担心的;不安的;令人担忧的;令人忧虑的;渴望的;急切的
- credulousadj. 轻信的;易信的;易受欺骗的
- continuousadj. 持续不断的;持续的;连续的;连贯的;不间断的;无间断的;绵延不绝的
- unanimousadj. (决定或意见)一致的;全体一致的;意见一致的;无异议的;一致同意的;一致赞成的
- conspicuousadj. 显著的;明显的;易见的;显而易见的;引人注目的;惹人注意的;值得注意的;瞩目的;醒目的
- fictitiousadj. 虚构的;虚假的;杜撰的;虚拟的;非真实的;小说式的;编造的
- odorousadj. 有气味的;芳香的;臭的;有香味的
- advantageousadj. 有利的;有益的
- deviousadj. 狡猾的;不诚实的;欺诈的;曲折的;迂回的;不直接的;不坦率的;不正直的;不光明的
- sumptuousadj. 豪华的;奢侈的;华丽的;华贵的;富丽堂皇的;铺张的;昂贵的
- amorphousadj. 无固定形状的;不定形的;形态不定的;无明确轮廓的;不规则的;模糊的;无组织的;缺乏结构的
- curiousadj. 好奇的;好打听的;好问的;引起好奇的;求知欲强的;奇异的;奇特的;不寻常的;稀奇古怪的;怪诞的;好求知的
- circuitousadj. 迂回的;曲折的;绕远路的;弯曲的
- deciduousadj. 落叶的;季节性脱落的;非永久的;暂时的
- enormousadj. 巨大的;庞大的;极大的;广大的;庞然大物的;异常的;非常的;极端的;巨额的
- magnanimousadj. (尤指对敌人或对手)宽宏大量的;慷慨的;高尚的;仁慈的;大度的;宽容的
- suspiciousadj. 怀疑的;可疑的;引起怀疑的;令人怀疑的;感觉可疑的;猜疑的;不信任的;持怀疑态度的;多疑的;疑心重的;警觉的
- impetuousadj. 鲁莽的;冲动的;急躁的;性急的;猛烈的;激烈的;迅疾的;浮躁的;轻率的
- disastrousadj. 灾难性的;毁灭性的;造成严重损害的;极其糟糕的;完全失败的;带来严重后果的
- luminousadj. 发光的;夜光的;明亮的;发亮的;辉煌的;灿烂的;闪耀的;有光泽的;明显的;闪亮的
- pretentiousadj. 自命不凡的;装模作样的;夸大其词的;自负的;做作的
- horrendousadj. 极其可怕的;骇人的;令人震惊的;极坏的;极严重的;可怕的;恐怖的
- fractiousadj. 易怒的;难以对待的;暴躁的;倔强的;难驾驭的
- infectiousadj. 传染的;有传染性的;引起感染的(尤指通过呼吸);能够引发传染病的;易传播的;具有感染力的
- acrimoniousadj. 尖刻的;激烈的;刻薄的;辛辣的
- dangerousadj. 危险的;不安全的;引起危险的;冒险的;具有潜在风险的;(药品等)使人上瘾的;有害的;非法的
- poisonousadj. 有毒的;会产生毒素的;恶毒的;令人不愉快的;极端讨厌(或不友善)的;有许多危害的;恶性的
- sinuousadj. 蜿蜒的;弯曲的;迂回的;曲折的
- insidiousadj. 阴险的;暗中为害的;狡诈的;狡猾的;潜在的;隐蔽的;不知不觉中发生的;诱人上当的;隐匿的;缓慢而不易察觉的发展的;(疾病)不知不觉间加剧的
- generousadj. 慷慨的;无私的;大方的;宽宏大量的;慷慨给予的;宽大的;大的;丰富的;丰盛的;充足的;宽厚的;仁慈的;善良的;量多的;富足的;豪爽的
- herbivorousadj. 食草的
- famousadj. 著名的;知名的;出名的;闻名遐迩的
- preciousadj. 贵重的;珍贵的;宝贵的;受珍爱的;心爱的;(表示气愤)宝贝似的;珍稀的;道貌岸然的
- previousadj. 先前的;以前的;以往的;上一次的;上一个的;早先的;预先的;时间上稍前的;仓促的;匆忙的;过急的
- superfluousadj. 多余的;不必要的;累赘的;冗余的;非必需的;过剩的;过量的;过多的
- assiduousadj. 勤勉的;刻苦的;坚持不懈的;勤奋的;专心致志的;不懈努力的;一丝不苟的;勤勤恳恳的
- sensuousadj. 感官的;感觉上的;愉悦感官的;美感的;赏心悦目的;感性的
- monotonousadj. 单调的;无变化的;单调乏味的;乏味的;呆板的;枯燥的
- anonymousadj. 匿名的;无名的;不知姓名的;名字不公开的;不具名的;不出名的;没有特色的;无特色的;无显著特征的;平淡无奇的;不具个性的
- obviousadj. 明显的;显然的;显而易见的;毫不掩饰的;平淡无奇的;缺乏想象力的;合情合理的;当然的
- ludicrousadj. 荒谬的;不合理的;不能当真的;可笑的;滑稽的;愚蠢的;令人发笑的
- fabulousadj. 极好的;非凡的;绝妙的;难以置信的;传说中的;虚构的;寓言中的;神话似的;惊人的;特别大的;巨大的
- sanctimoniousadj. 伪善的;道貌岸然的;假装虔诚的;装作圣洁的;装模作样的
- consciousadj. 有意识的;意识到的;有知觉的;神志清醒的;清醒的;注意到的;察觉的;知道的;感觉到的;认识到的;关注的;慎重的;特别感兴趣的;对…感兴趣的;关心…的
- tendentiousadj. 有偏见的;有倾向性的;有目的的;宣传性的