That's important—this really does happen, stocks really do drop in price on the ex-dividend date.
Eventually after hearing you talk about your ex so much, your date will soon be telling others that you were the worst date that she ever had.
Don't bring up your ex on a first date, especially to tell us how you're still excellent friends.
Whether it is your ex, the blind date you had last week, or even your mother, the identity of the person does not matter.
That's an important — this really does happen, stocks really do drop in price on ex-dividend date.
Is it all right if I date your ex?
I just have faith bro. I am not like you, prick. You can double date and mess with your ex-girlfriend's best friend.
When actually on the date, there are countless faux pas to avoid - the worst of the lot being talking about an ex too much, followed by poor personal hygiene.
One only receives the dividend if the share is bought before the ex-dividend date.
From this date on, products that were developed and manufactured in accordance with national EX standards may no longer be traded.
You can double date and mess with your ex-girlfriend's best friend.
The variety of dividend tax rate is one of the reasons that cause the variety of stock pricing; it also induces the arbitrage opportunities and additional trading around ex-date.