The lover whom she favours may get his fill of bliss, but his heart's blood is wrung out under her relentless embrace.
Smashed, mix his heart's blood with the mire of the land.
The legend teaches that no great achievement can be made, no lofty attainment reached, nothing of much value to the world done, save at the cost of heart's blood.
The effect is to freeze much of the left ventricle, the heart's main pumping chamber, disrupting its ability to contract and effectively pump blood.
In his raving he swore he would let her heart's blood out immediately.
At my mother's dysfunction in the heart's ability to pump the required amount of blood through the vessels.
"If you want a red rose, " said the Tree, "you must build it out of music by moonlight, and stain it with your own heart's blood.
Most heart assist devices support the heart's left ventricle, which pumps oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body.
CoQ10 levels decline with age and this can affect the heart's ability to pump blood effectively and to maintain adequate circulation.
辅酶Q 10水平下降与年龄,这可能会影响心脏的能力,有效血泵,并保持足够的流通。
Starr convinced Edwards to narrow his focus and help develop a mechanical replacement for the heart's mitral valve which controls blood flow within the heart.
Blood pressure: Force originating when the heart's pumping pushes the Blood against the walls of the Blood vessels. Their stretching and contraction help maintain Blood flow.
Ongoing arrhythmia in some heart diseases can reduce the heart's ability to supply the body with blood and can lead to heart failure.
Part of the heart's function, he realised, was concerned with the blood, and he felt that memory was based on the blood's movements.
Nuclear medical imaging is functional imaging, which is broadly used in all kinds of field, such as the diagnoses of cancer and heart's or brain's blood vessel diseases.
This wave gets reflected in parts of the arterial tree and returns to the heart while it is ejecting blood, increasing the heart's workload.
This is the first time we have been able to visualize myocardial scar and the heart's blood vessels at the same time.
Tea helps your body fight against harmful bacteria and viruses, improves blood flow in your heart's arteries, reduces the risk of stoke, and improves the digestive system's functions.
The CentriMag Right Ventricular Assist System is intended for patients requiring support for the heart's right ventricle, which passes oxygen-depleted blood to the lungs to be refreshed with oxygen.
While I was still cherishing the hope that he might be alive, circumstance beyond my control made it impossible for me to continue work into which I had poured my heart's blood for twenty years.
Tea helps your body fight against harmful bacteria and viruses, improves blood flow in your heart's arteries, reduces the risk of stroke, and improves the digestive system's functions.
If you want a red rose, you must build it out of music by moonlight, and stain it with your own heart's blood.
When there is a large defect between the atria, a large amount of oxygen-rich (red) blood leaks from the heart's left side back to the right side.
We are able to construct a three dimensional model of a person's heart to immediately understand the relationship between the heart's blood vessels and related permanent injury.
With Omron home blood pressure monitors, you consistently get an accurate picture of your heart's health.