LOL has evolved into something much subtler and sophisticated and is used even when nothing is remotely amusing.
LOL 已经发展成为一种更加微妙复杂的东西,即使在没有什么好笑的时候也可以使用。
However, most young netizens consider this emoji as "Laugh to tears" or simply "LOL", which means "Laugh out loud".
The OED defines LOL as an interjection "used chiefly in electronic communications… to draw attention to a joke or humorous statement, or to express amusement".
《牛津英语词典》将 LOL 定义为一个叹词,“主要用于电子通信……以引起对笑话和幽默语句的注意,或表示可笑”。
More and more people agree that expressions such as "LOL" and "hahaha" are making our speech more direct but less interesting and creative.
The original use was typed by Wayne Pearson, in Calgary, who says he wrote the first ever LOL in reply to a gag by someone called "Sprout".
最初的用法是加拿大卡尔加里的 Wayne Pearson 输入的,他说他在回复一个名叫 “Sprout” 的笑话时第一次写下了 LOL。
Why did LOL infiltrate the language?
Lol. : Love you guys!
But is "LOL" really a lazy, childish concoction?
Another complains that lol "doesn't sound anything like laughter."
Maybe it's because under "expiration date" Hostess just prints "LOL."
So why has "LOL", above all other web phrases, become such a phenomenon?
LOL This girl gets OWNED after a POLICE OFFICER reads her STATUS MESSAGE.
A further 11% is made up of his 363,000 followers replying "@stephenfry LOL!
还有11%的流量来自他363000个追随者答复他的这些状态更新:“@stephenfry 哈哈哈!”
LOL at a lolcat and your LOL gets logged for all time on your indelible activity record.
Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi, aka @brokep on Twitter, commented that " Really, it's a bit LOL.
For example, if I had my bike stolen, my friend might reply 'LOL'. It helps overcome an awkward moment.
I can hardly imagine the effects you'd get by removing the word "lol" whenever it's used to end a sentence.
Meaning gift of diamond: keep this because I will marry you, but if we are broke I will take it back, lol.
But those laughing least of all are the language purists, who lament "LOL" as a hallmark of creeping illiteracy.
The messages often contain grammatical errors, they don't make sense or they are littered with acronyms like LOL.
The messages often contain grammatical errors, they don’t make sense or they are littered with acronyms like LOL .
Facebook 上的信息往往包含语法错误,根本讲不通,或者充斥着首字母缩写,比如LOL。
I'm all for bastardisation of the language, but with lol, that thing you thought was rubbish really is rubbish".