Roofs are simple pitches, many with clerestory glazing.
The resulting clerestory windows provide glimpses to the outside and ample natural light.
Above the great room is a loft with an office with built-in bookshelves and clerestory Windows.
The front living area ventilates through a series of louvres in a bank of high level clerestory.
Here, clerestory Windows that allow natural light to filter from the lounge through to the bedroom.
Clerestory lighting brings daylight into the central gallery, mitigating the need for artificial lighting.
The living space is a grand volume of 25ft with two slopes of the roof at differing heights separated by a clerestory window.
A magnificent kitchen block, with clerestory Windows, is to be made into further flats boasting impressive top-lit, oak-beamed roofs.
A new lobby and circulation space, lit by a continuous shaded clerestory, occupies the seam between old and new and unites the two entries.
It is here that the golden wall is installed - bouncing the light from a clerestory window, past a frameless glass balustrade and down into the void.
Approximately 8 m from the north gable the pitch abruptly changes establishing a clerestory window letting southern daylight in the children's playroom.
Natural light enters through low-level and concealed clerestory Windows running the length of the chapel, and through tall frosted Windows on the front elevation.
Natural cooling is provided by cool air rising from the lake, passing in through the lakeside openings and out through the clerestory Windows on the forest elevation.
A bright two-story foyer with clerestory windows steps down into a living room with a pitched ceiling and walls of windows rising 20 feet to the lowest point in the pitch.
采光充裕的双层挑高门厅带有天窗,从门厅拾级而下,即可进入客厅。 客厅采用倾斜天花板,设有落地窗,落地窗高20英尺(约合6米),窗顶已达倾斜天花板的最低点。
The upper levels of the house are set back from the street face of the building allowing a large south-facing clerestory window to flood the middle of the house with sunlight.
The length and orientation of the original stone walls of the mill building allowed this new structure to push up above the top of the walls to form a largely glazed clerestory.
原来的石墙的长度和方向允许在新的磨坊建筑墙壁顶部植入一个上釉的天窗。 光线通过天窗照射进较低的空间,而且,有了这个窗子就可以欣赏到更广阔的室外景观。
Clerestory Windows are integrated into all the classrooms with a continuous roof overhang serving to protect Spaces on both levels from harsh solar gain during the summer months.
The horizontal perimeter of clerestory glazing is a driving architectural element in the new building, providing light during the day and emitting a glowing band of light at night.
To stabilize the floating roof over the gymnasium and to maximize the effect of the clerestory windows, steel columns were specially designed to provide more lateral bracing than usual.
The long span roof structure of the multipurpose gymnasium consists of steel and timber bow trusses that seemingly float above the clerestory and becomes skyline feature of the project.
The gap between the tilting roof form and the structure's walls works to lend the former - beyond its cantilever - a strong visual levity, while providing effective clerestory fenestration.