1 词典释义:
move apart
时间: 2025-03-22 12:35:08


  • As the plates move, they collide, move apart, or slide past one another.


  • Then It'started to break into pieces. These pieces started to move apart.


  • With an increase in flow rate, particles move apart and a few are seen to vibrate and move about in restricted regions.


  • Engineering and business issues aside, she wants social TV to help friends and family stay connected, even as they move apart.


  • As the sides of the Ethiopian rift move apart, the gap between them is being plugged with molten rock, which then cools to form new land.


  • This is part of the system of mid-ocean ridges that form as the tectonic plates of the Earth's crust move apart-a process known as sea floor spreading.


  • To emphasize physical size such as length, width, hold your hands out in front of you widely apart to move them up and down.


  • To emphasize physical size such as length, width, hold your hands out in front you widely apart to move them up and down.


  • Move your fingers up to change the speed and spread your fingers apart to change the notes.


  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Face the front and do not move the head nor the eyes throughout the exercise.

    首先两脚分开与肩同宽站立,面向正前方,在做这个练习的时候不要移动头部和眼睛,然后缓慢地向左侧摇晃你的身体,同时抬起你的右脚跟,在做摇晃动作的时候不要去看任何东西,保持注意力集中在这个动作上 (be aware of movement mainly,这句翻译拿不准,请朋友们指正 )。

  • Once people move out, then it all falls apart.


  • The conservatives who say, "Let us not move so fast," and extremists who say, "Let us go out and whip the world," would tell you that they are as far apart as the poles.


  • They are well-suited for apartment living because they're adjustable and can be taken apart when we move.


  • My pistachio green, airless compartment had three bunk beds and, apart from the light, none of the switches - heater, fan nor loudspeaker - did anything other than move.

    黄绿色的车厢里有三层的卧铺,空气不太流通。 除了灯光开关,暖气、电扇、喇叭开关仅仅可以拨动,除此之外没有任何作用。

  • All agreed that, apart from getting their content online in the best shape possible, they needed to move much further downstream in marketing terms.


  • From here the swing can move beyond comfortable to outright mania and a feeling of being totally out of control out of touch with and apart from the rest of the world.


  • If you allow a little bit of spacing, a little more space between your frequencies, they're a little bit farther apart, then you can move from closeness plays to spacing and you get the consonance.


  • Apart from the move to the web, I will also demonstrate how to add the association relations between the Employee and Department classes next time, so we'll end up with a more useful application.


  • During the lifetime of a person, North America and Europe will move further apart by nearly two metres.


  • To emphasize physical size such as length, width, hold your hands out in front of you widely apart to move them up and down.


  • Thus, Europe and Africa move further east, allowing the Atlantic to rip apart during the slide northward.


  • I wish I can share everything with you. I wish I could move all the walls that keep us apart.


  • Continents are so big, obviously they don't move. But, actually, as we now know, they did move. They moved apart from one another.


  • When air is heated, it expands. The molecules of air move farther apart, the air becomes lighter, and the air pressure becomes lower.


  • Put both hands in front of you, palms facing out, and move them apart and back together again like doors.


  • To take apart, disassemble and otherwise prepare to move the rig or blowout preventers.

