That's important—this really does happen, stocks really do drop in price on the ex-dividend date.
The answer is generally not because if you buy the stock before it goes ex-dividend, you get--you have to pay a higher price, but you get the dividend.
That's an important — this really does happen, stocks really do drop in price on ex-dividend date.
There's a term for that — they call it going ex-dividend.
One only receives the dividend if the share is bought before the ex-dividend date.
That may well have increased the ex post risk premium (other things being equal, a fall in the dividend yield from 4% to 2% means investors double their money).
The practice of buying gilt-edged securities after they have gone ex-dividend and selling them cum-dividend, thus transforming the interest return into capital gain.
They'll tell someone, hurry up and buy this stock because it's going to go ex-dividend.
Three, the firm does not buy ex - dividend stocks.
The variety of dividend tax rate is one of the reasons that cause the variety of stock pricing; it also induces the arbitrage opportunities and additional trading around ex-date.