1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-02-04 21:25:44
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  • Format XML documents with FOP.


  • Register the embedded font with FOP.

    将嵌入字体 注册 到 FOP 中。

  • Transform using FOP in a servlet engine.


  • Use the FOP libraries to generate PDFS.


  • Step 3: Register the embedded font with fop.


  • Here is an example command-line instruction to fop.


  • FOP recognizes the keep properties for table rows only.


  • The current release of STXX is version 1.3, which USES FOP 0.20.4.

    stxx当前的版本是1.3,它使用FOP 0.20.4。

  • Then use the FOP command in Listing 2 to generate the font matrix file.


  • This instruction tells the fop executable file to do the following.


  • Apache FOP USES the data file together with the stylesheet to produce the PDF.

    Apache FOP联合使用数据文件和样式表生成pdf。

  • FOP is the world's first print formatter driven by XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO).

    FOP是由xsl格式化对象(XSL - FO)推动的世界上第一个打印格式化程序。

  • Those files are used by FOP to render text in fonts other than the ones listed above.


  • It is a good idea to register the embedded font with FOP when you initialize the application.


  • Note: Specify column width explicitly if you plan to use Fop as described in this article.


  • While a workaround for using the keep properties with FOP is available, it's only a partial one.


  • PDF creation - This section show you how to use a XSL-FO renderer (FOP) to create a PDF document.

    PDF的创建——本小节向您展示如何使用XSL - FO处理器(XSL - FO renderer, FOP)来创建PD f文档。

  • I'll try to deal with the program only by relying on Fop to transform my intermediate fo documents.


  • You can use XSL-FO and FOP to dynamically generate international PDF documents in Web applications.

    可以使用XSL - FO和FOP在Web应用程序中动态生成国际化的PD f文档。

  • Listing 2 is another stylesheet excerpt that demonstrates the keep properties in a blind table with FOP.


  • The wrapper script then uses the fop application to generate the target output format from that file.

    之后,这个包装器脚本使用 fop 应用程序从该文件生成目标输出格式。

  • Find out more about Fop, download the code, and access related resources at the Apache Fop home page.

    可以在 Apache Fop 主页找出更多关于 Fop 的信息、下载代码以及访问相关资源。

  • The XSLT template assumes that FOP can handle the color value if there is one. The default color is black.


  • Apache FOP Compliance page: Visit this page to explore the formatting possibilities in a FOP document.

    Apache FOP Compliance Page:访问此页面,探索FOP文档中的格式化可能性。

  • The Ant task, fop, transforms FO files, which are built with the FO stylesheets that come with DocBook XSL.

    该 Ant 任务 fop 将转换 FO 文件,这些 FO 文件都是使用 DocBook XSL 附带的 FO 样式表构建的。

  • If you use Listing 1, FOP ignores the keep properties, which may still cause inappropriate page breaks.


  • Our approach of generating PDF documents in Web applications is based on Formatting Objects Processor (FOP).

    我们采用的在Web应用程序中生成pdf文档的方法是以格式化对象处理程序(Formatting Objects Processor, FOP)为基础。

  • Download Apache FOP for converting fo files to various formats, including PDF, from the Apache FOP site.

    从Apache FOP站点下载Apache FOP以将FO文件转换为包括pdf在内的各种格式。

  • However, the current FOP does not support the font-family list; it only USES the first font in the list, if that exists.

    但是,当前的FOP不支持font - family列表,如果存在这样的列表,也只会使用列表中的第一个字体。

  • In addition, the FOP tool provides ways to convert Adobe type 1 fonts and Truetype fonts into XML font-metric files.

    另外,FOP工具提供了一些方法将Adobe type 1字体和Truetype字体转换为XML font - metric文件。

n. 花花公子;过分讲究衣饰或举动的人