1 词典释义:
search for answers
时间: 2025-01-09 09:34:34
英 [səːtʃ fɔː ˈɑ:nsəz]
美 [sərtʃ fɔr ˈænsər]


  • Research suggests they may study more broadly for the unexpected rather than search for answers.

    研究表明,他们广泛学习可能是为了防止意料之外的情况 ,而不是单纯地寻找答案。

  • When 80% of all Australian whale strandings occur around Tasmania, Gales and her team must continue in the search for answers.


  • With doubt, with a thought, I was in search for answers.


  • As people search for answers, they often phrase their search terms as questions.


  • Search for answers to question (1) (2) through re-pondering the definition of possible worlds.


  • And, so, life on Earth is a search for answers to the puzzle that cannot be found yet feels urgent to solve.


  • Two unpretentious souls on a search for answers, Leonid and Valery provide the light that balances the dark part of humanity.


  • The objective of the assignment is to give you a sense of how cities change over time, to prompt you to question why, and to search for answers.


  • This all-in-one checklist provided optimal information to help you begin your search for answers, and much of it can apply to other WebSphere products as well.


  • When the two families find him, badly injured, they are faced with a terrible dilemma… In the search for answers, skeletons are unearthed and old wounds reopened.


  • The ClearQuest forum provides a place to look for user-contributed hook code examples, and to search for answers to issues which may arise during the configuration of your schema.

    该论坛提供了寻找用户贡献的 hook 例子的去处,并且可以寻找您在配置过程中所遇到的问题的答案。

  • With question such as these clearly before them, the scientists aboard the Glomar Challenger processed to the Mediterranean to search for the answers.


  • In search of some answers for his task, Jimmy interviewed his grandmother who of course knew nothing about the reason why Jimmy asked such questions.


  • The search engine searches its database for the answers to your multiple questions and combines questions and answers into a new quantum package, which it sends back to you.


  • Learn in a few months to search the Internet for answers to questions.


  • The result is a renaissance in search, resulting in more sophisticated tools for consumers who want richer answers to complex questions than the standard litany of blue links.


  • DuckDuckGo also offers instant answers for unit conversions, zip codes and other queries using the WolframAlpha computation and search engine.


  • This means that if you search the scientific literature for approaches to the future, you will tend to find answers based on natural processes.


  • The latest evidence suggests we have to search harder for the answers.


  • Having compiled answers to questions like these, begin your search for colleges or universities that seem likely to fit.


  • In the meantime, he's doubtful that the search for societal answers will prove all that fruitful.


  • The Search component (Figure 6) enables you to search many different locations concurrently, saving you time looking for answers in different locations.

    通过 Search 组件(图 6),您可以同时搜索很多不同的位置,节省了在不同的位置寻找答案的时间。

  • Wolfram Alpha, set to launch Monday, is more of an enormous calculator than a search: it crunches data to come up with query answers that may not exist online until you search for them.

    预计周一发布的Wolfram Alpha,则更象一个庞大的计算器而不是普通的搜索引擎:它搜索的数据平时并不在线,直到你去搜索时才在线。

  • If you ask Google a question, the search engine's computers scan the Web for matching search terms and come up with answers that make the most sense statistically.


  • Search for experts and answers, even when you don't know which person to ask


  • Back in the Complexo da Coréia, Spiderman's softly spoken mother, Maria, who came to Rio from Brazil's impoverished countryside in search of a better life, looked elsewhere for answers.

    回过头来再看看Complexo da Coréia,蜘蛛侠言辞温和的母亲玛利亚来自巴西赤贫的农村,为了寻求更好的生活而来到里约,她向别处寻找答案。

  • That way, the researchers in Kampala can quickly search the database for answers.

