1 词典释义:
joy division
时间: 2025-02-04 18:19:05


  • How can an audience understand Joy Division without understanding its environment?

    如果观众不能了解当时的环境,他们又如何了解Joy Division呢?

  • The bands Joy Division, Radiohead, The Normal, Klaxons and Buggles all wrote records inspired by Ballard stories.


  • Where are the dark, empty streets, the Manchester of the Seventies, evoked by the lyrics and music of Joy Division?

    Joy Division词曲中所唤起的黑暗空旷的街道和70年代的曼城在哪里呢?

  • On a sunny day in August I finally got to see the finished version of Anton Corbijn's Control, a film about the life of Ian Curtis, my father and lead singer of the band Joy Division.

    在八月一个阳光灿烂的日子里,我终于看到了Anton Corbijn制作完成的影片《控制》。这是一部关于Ian Curtis生活的影片,Ian是我的父亲,Joy Division乐队的主唱。

  • Many Mancunians were suspicious from the start: what do Hollywood producers and a Dutchman (who moved to the UK because of Joy Division, but chose to live in London) know about this city of ours?

    许多曼城人从开始便心存疑惑:一群好莱坞制作人和一个荷兰人(由于Joy Division来到英国,但却居住在伦敦)对自己的家乡知道多少呢?

  • New, lightweight ceramics will further reduce the need for metals in aircraft, says Joy DE Lisser, vice-president of ATK Aerospace Structures, the division developing them.

    新型轻质陶瓷的使用将进一步减少飞机制造中的金属需求,乔伊•德•丽萨说道,她是AT K航空航天公司的副总,他们分公司正在开发这种材料。

  • The arrival of the French 2nd Armoured division and the 4th American Infantry division set off an explosion of joy in the city.

