1 词典释义:
stem tide
时间: 2025-03-19 09:45:41
英 [stɛm tʌɪd]
美 [stɛm taɪd]


  • His efforts to stem the tide of violent crime have been as effective as Canute's.


  • The government had failed to stem the tide of factory closures.


  • He suggests that focusing on individual diet plans of any kind may be misguided, and that only community-wide change will truly be able to stem the tide of obesity.


  • The first response was to create a static page, but they found that this couldn't stem the tide


  • A choppy market stalled initial public offerings in the U.S. in the second quarter, but did little to stem the global tide of companies tapping the public for fresh capital.


  • But can such efforts stem the tide?


  • Currently these strategies are the domain of research and we are focused on what we must do next to stem the tide of attack.


  • But we must stem the tide of malice, and pour into the wounded bosoms of each other the balm of sisterly consolation.


  • But that was the corner that mattered to the Americans and Australians who were trying to stem the seemingly inevitable tide of Japanese conquest in 1943.


  • said that attempts by retailers to stem the tide of unrecycled cups varied enormously, and called on them to do more.


  • To stem the tide ofcustomer defections at this stage of the buying process, best practicemerchants such as Lands End offer a live chat feature so shoppers can get theirquestions answered on the spot.

    为了阻止在购买阶段的客户丢失,最佳实践商店如兰茨·恩德(Lands End)提供了实时聊天功能,使消费者可以在现场的提问得到解答。

  • This has not been enough to stem the UKIP tide: support for the Tories in the Euro-elections is running ten percentage points below the party’s current standing in Westminster polls.


  • This has not been enough to stem the UKIP tide: support for the Tories in the Euro-elections is running ten percentage points below the party's current standing in Westminster polls.


  • The work suggests that it may be possible in future outbreaks of highly pathogenic flu to stem the tide of death through early intervention.


  • The small boat could not stem the rushing tide.


  • Teaming up with a big Chinese handset-maker, such as Huawei or ZTE, could help Google to stem the non-Google Android tide-not just in China, but everywhere else.


  • Narrator: The battle lasted mere hours. The discipline and training of the Spartans did little to stem the tide of the merciless barbarians.


  • "Future studies will help determine whether increased uptake of these newer medications can help stem the tide of HCV disease progression," he added.


  • However, it is by no means certain that tougher penalties will stem the tide.


  • It once again proves that no one can stem the tide of history.


  • During the second half of last year a dominant theme in the emerging markets was the flood of capital inflows and a number of countries actively acted to stem the tide.


  • Most scientists say human activity is behind global warming and that it's up to humans to make changes to stem the tide.


  • Its launch is an attempt to stem the tide of plastic wrappers, tubs, trays and bottles that threatens to engulf landfill sites in the UK.


  • The aspects of this month, especially at the new moon, September 18, will be strenuous, and could bring a need to spend more, even though you are probably doing everything you can to stem the tide.

