It is insanely ahead of its time.
BMW has always been ahead of its time.
This is a fun app that is a little but ahead of its time.
It was an aircraft ahead of its time, and technology couldn't keep up.
THE best modern parable of progress was, aptly, ahead of its time.
It's Shakespeare! And it was so ahead of its time that it's amazing.
Computer Space proved to be too far ahead of its time and was a commercial failure.
The Edsel has been described as both a "colossal failure" and "a car ahead of its time."
The technology we use in Silex is well-ahead of its time, unique, and, above all, user-friendly.
Having fewer children to accomplish emissions reduction, it is really a topic ahead of its time.
It did, however, produce a fantastic operating system, NeXTStep, which many praised as ahead of its time.
Oo development wast oo far ahead of its time and lacked infrastructural support from the software industry.
The problem was that Duan's plan was ahead of its time, while official policy at the time still lagged behind.
Apple made its first tablet computer way back in 1993, but the Newton MessagePad 100 was way ahead of its time.
苹果公司在1993年就出产了其第一台平板电脑,但NewTon MessagePad 100显然太超前了,不属于那个年代。
A broad range of quality products is developed over the years, constantly at a standard far ahead of its time.
I believe his leadership in this respect is exemplary and will in future be recognized as visionary and ahead of its time.
The idea was two decades ahead of its time, and helped to attach his name to the geostationary orbit above the equator.
Industry insiders say that Flock may have been ahead of its time, since it was developed before social networks became mainstream.
The WELL was way ahead of its time in almost every way, but one in particular stands out even now. Users were greeted with thislanguage
我在20世纪80年代的时候在一个叫The WELL(全球电子链路)的网站上注册了一个帐号,当时The WELL在各个方面都是出于领先地位的,而它的其中一个特征直到现在仍然特别突出,即它的用户登录页面会显示
In many respects these weapons, designed during early sixties by Soviet gun designer GA Korobov were many years ahead of its time.
It was a service ahead of its time. Slip a CD into your computer, and the music on it would instantly be added to your online locker.
These performing arts posters abounding with sense of aesthetics and culture have achieved significance of aesthetics ahead of its time.
Our secret was to bet, well ahead of its time, the quality and flexibility of integrated production with a first class customers, able to cover all needs, from design to post-sale.
The film was ahead of its time, a dark tale whose brooding design, murky lighting, overlapping dialogue and ripped-from-true -life Hearst connection created an unnerving sense of realism.
The authors of Harvard Girl took their cues from the teachings of Carl Weter, an 18th century German priest whose advocacy of an aggressively proactive parenting approach was years ahead of its time.
In this example, the returned value was converted from Object to String, since we knew its type ahead of time.