At this time, too, the judge will appoint a court lawyer to defend the suspect if he can't afford one.
At this time, the judge will appoint a court lawyer to defend the suspect if he can't afford one.
By that time you will be making money and can afford a lawyer to get it done right.
A lawyer couple can easily afford to put one child through Yale, but perhaps not four.
Robert Applebaum, a lawyer in New York, began his legal career as a prosecutor before deciding that, with $75,000 in law-school loans, he could ill afford to stay in the public sector.
纽约一名律师Robert Applebaum在开始他检察官的事业前,背负着75,000美元的大学贷款,他随时可能因支付不起贷款而不能呆在公共事业部门。
I can't afford a lawyer so I shall defend myself.
Since this lawyer cannot afford to give up precious time from legal affairs, a typist is hired who may be less efficient than the lawyer in both legal and typing matters.
If you cannot afford an lawyer, one will be appointed for you.
If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to you before any questioning begins.
2: Deal: Jackie sets her sights on returning to All Saints, with help from her lawyer, but she cant afford his retainer.
During the brief hearing, Stiles only said he can not afford a lawyer. His public defender says he expects Stiles to fight the more than 20 felony charges against him.
If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, one will be appointed to represent you before questioning, if you wish one.
If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning begins.