Similar to chiral silica-based monoliths, chiral organic polymer-based monoliths possess large pores which allow convective flow of mobile phase and result in high flow rates at reduced pressure drop.
The wet and warm degree in middle troposphere is weakened and the convective instability in lower middle troposphere is strengthened by increasing wind speed of southern flow.
The friction and convective heat transfer of single phase water flow in a vertical heated tube at natural circulation condition were experimentally investigated.
It was found that the convective evaporation heat transfer sometimes was in a transitional flow state.
For the three-phase flow gravity heat pipe without built-in pipe, the equivalent convective heat transfer coefficient increases as the heating power increases.
The experimental method of reversed heat flow is often taken when studying on convective heat transfer.
An optical flow method instead of the cross correlation method is proposed for convective precipitation system.
D. tubes, with the results showing the convective heat transfer characteristics depending on the laminar and turbulent flow regimes, tube sizes, and mean temperatures of the suspensions.
The position of the circulation center relative to a deep convective cloud cluster is associated with the upper tropospheric environmental flow.
According to the theory of similarity, using aerodynamic model, this paper has studied the convective heat transfer in the firing zone by means of counter-thermal-flow local simulation.
It demonstrate the new principle of convective heat transfer enhancement by changing the Angle between fluid flow and heat flux.
The signal processor further determines the slope of at least a portion of the convective ridge to determine the flow velocity of the fluid.