The theory is known as Hawking radiation.
Another of the physicist's noted contributions is a theory dubbed Hawking Radiation.
Hawking radiation from black holes would be so weak as to be nearly undetectable, however.
By emitting this so-called Hawking radiation, a black hole would gradually lose energy and mass.
Hawking showed that black holes radiate energy and decay over time (the aforementioned Hawking radiation).
Hawking radiation: radiation theoretically emitted from just outside the event horizon of a black hole.
The real question is whether Hawking radiation returns the answer of the computation or merely gibberish.
This poses a puzzle, because Hawking radiation does not convey any information about the interior of a black hole.
Unless the hole swallows matter or energy to make up the loss, the Hawking radiation will drain it of all its mass.
Other scientists eventually conceded that he was correct, and the black-hole emissions are now known as Hawking radiation.
Other scientists eventually conceded that he was correct, and the black-hole emissions are now known as Hawking radiation.
But even physics may have loopholes, and one of them is something known as Hawking radiation, discovered by, well, guess who.
That's understandable, because the idea behind string balls is that they start with a black hole that evaporates away due to Hawking radiation.
Might it be possible to induce a black hole to release all its Hawking radiation sooner, so that in effect it becomes like a ball of fuel?
No one has ever observed this "Hawking radiation, " but now, a team of physicists may have created something very much like it in the lab.
Dr Steinhauer and his colleagues have not yet detected sonic Hawking radiation, but they have taken the first step: they have produced a dumb hole.
After carefully considering and rejecting other possible sources for this light, they conclude that they have indeed observed Hawking radiation for the first time.
Hawking radiation originates just outside the event horizon and, so far as it is understood, does not carry information from its interior since it is thermal.
As the pulse passed through the glass, its event horizons should have swept some of these photons up, producing Hawking radiation from the partners they left behind.
In fact, they will evaporate in a puff of hitherto hypothetical energy called the Hawking radiation, after the world's most famous living physicist, Stephen Hawking.
Although new theories state that information from the interior of black holes is encoded in the Hawking radiation emitted from them, this information could quite possibly be scrambled.
Some major puzzles in black hole theory and General Relativity, including Hawking radiation, information puzzle, singularity theorem and synchronization of clock rate, are presented.
As Stephen Hawking has demonstrated, black holes eventually evaporate in a burst of radiation.
In the mid-1970s, Hawking showed that black holes are in fact not entirely "black" but instead slowly emit radiation, which causes them to evaporate and eventually disappear.
Yet another idea is to model the accelerating expansion of the universe , which generates a Hawking -like radiation .
Hawking showed in the 1970s that black holes should emit energy from their boundaries in the form of radiation produced by quantum fluctuations of empty space itself.