But first I'm going to model my Retweet object.
Don’t forget the power of the retweet or RT, either.
Listing 1 shows how I've enhanced the Retweet object's properties.
The justthree variable in Listing 10 is a List containing three Retweet objects.
I've extended the Retweet object from Part 1, adding some indexing functionality.
SO username is a property in Retweet, but I've left it as username in my JSON document.
Next, the application will fire off a background process to obtain the user's retweet data.
Don't forget the Twitter lingo: RT is retweet, and @name is how you respond or give props to someone.
Some of Twitter's fixed tools, such as reply, retweet and private message, makes the dialogue happen.
Some users routinely retweet many messages, however, most followers are passive and rarely or never retweet.
The key on the Retweet object in Listing 3 will be a combination of the tweet id and the user who retweeted it.
清单 3 中 Retweet 对象上的键将是 tweet id 和转发它的用户的结合。
These methods cement the relationship between the two objects: User now directly sets its ownership of a Retweet.
Given that the Retweet app is being deployed to a web environment, the first step is to register it with Twitter.
You might have noticed that there's an implicit workflow to the relationship between the User and Retweet objects.
您可能会注意到,User 与 Retweet 对象之间的关系存在一个隐式工作流。
The relationship in this case is also handled by the owning object - the User instance adds itself to the Retweet.
I'll use servlets to handle logging into Twitter, pulling retweet data, and finally displaying a nifty report.
我将使用servlets来登录t witter、提取转贴数据,最后显示一个漂亮的报告。
One of the central features of Meme is the ability to 'repost' (in Twitter parlance, this would be a retweet).
Meme的一个重要功能就是可以“重新发布”(用t witter上的说法,这就是重复推retweet)。
In several cases, the retweet of the incorrect report came three or more hours after the report first spread...
That a few “like”+retweet buttons and emails to editor@techcrunch.com will make your traffic explode + grow consistently.
几个“喜欢”(facebook 上的 like)和 retweet(twitter上的“分享”)按钮,然后“发电子邮件给editor@techcrunch.com”就可以使你的流量猛增,并且持续高涨。
Particularly if you are a media outlet who wants readers to retweet your stories, ask yourself: If I saw this, would I RT it?
We've long speculated as to when Facebook might get its own version of Twitter's retweet, and it appears that the time is now.
You can see the difference for yourself by looking at the two listings below. The first listing shows retweet data represented using XML.
Going forward, we believe Weibo as an open platform will be able to monetize and generate advertising revenue through its retweet effects.
That means you can now subscribe to an RSS feed showing you who likes your Tweets, even if they didn't reply, retweet or respond otherwise.
The study found that a large majority of Twitter users act as passive information consumers and rarely forward (" retweet ") content to the network.
Or are we wasting time when we can submit Twitter.com support tickets and retweet each other’s requests to Ev, Jack, and Biz to change the status quo?
还是我们浪费时间? 我们可以提交Twitter.com建议信息和retweet其他的需求来要求至EV和Biz来改变现状?
If you're not human and you're configured to automatically tweet, reply, and retweet based on Twitter content or RSS feeds then you could be in danger.
如果你的Twitter不是人工发布信息,而是配置成根据Twitter内容或者RSS源自动tweet, reply和retweet,那你就得小心了。
They'll be just like regular tweets, meaning that users can reply, retweet them, or favorite them. But they will be clearly labeled as advertising.