It was published in hardback last year.
《牛津词典》The book was published in hardback last October.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》My novel has just appeared in hardback.
The book comes in hardback and paperback.
His autobiography has sold more than 36,000 copies in hardback.
Publishers first issue a book in hardback and then, a year later, in paperback.
Moreover, if they buy Posner in paperback instead of Sowell in hardback, they will save 10 bucks.
His new book is out in hardback, but I'm not desperate to read it, so I think I'll save some money and wait for the paperback to come out.
The book is available in hardback from Simon &Schuster ($26) and in a digital version on Amazon's (AMZN) Kindle and Apple's iBookstore ($12.99).
印刷精装本由西蒙与舒斯特公司(Simon &Schuster)出版,每本售价26美元;另外,亚马逊(Amazon)Kindle和苹果iBookstore提供新书电子版,每本售价12.99美元。
"The Stories of John Cheever", his acclaimed collection of short fiction, won the Pulitzer prize among other awards and went on to sell 125,000 copies in hardback.
"The Stories of John Cheever", his acclaimed collection of short fiction, won the Pulitzer prize among other awards and went on to sell 125, 000 copies in hardback.
There are still traditional readers but, even for them, the hardback library books may evolve in the near future.
Hardback sales in the US are up this year, despite the march of ebooks.
For now, Makinson says, digital books are expanding the market; hardback sales in the US are up this year, despite the march of ebooks.
I'll eat my hardback copy of the Deathly Hallows if the Harry Potters aren't the fastest-selling ebooks in history by the end of this year - and I can only tip my hat in admiration.
But there were bookshelves built into all four walls, and hundreds of books-hardback books with spines of many colors-surrounded us in that room.
But there were bookshelves builtinto all four walls, and hundreds of books---hardback books with spines of many colors---surrounded us in that room.
And now, I confessed that in that hardback rind is just a sensibility and virtuous heart.
A first work of fiction, if it has any luck at all, willsell perhaps 3000 copies in its hardback edition.
Remember the first sentence in the best-selling hardback book in U. S. history, The Purpose Driven Life: "It's not about you."