If you can't install app with.
Coupled with the app Gallery, developers can also access dozens of free, open source, and ready-to-install applications to help build their websites.
通过与应用程序库(App Gallery)相结合,开发人员还能获得一大堆免费的、开源且可以直接安装的应用程序,以帮助他们建立自己的网站。
Secondly, can be screened by antivirus software, antivirus software open after choose security, virus killing, to detect APP, make sure to install APP not carrying Trojan virus.
Having to install a different app for each smart appliance in your home is annoying; it would be nicer if you could manage everything together.
Each of the following initiatives has developed a distributed app you can install on your machine that, when not in use, can be used to contribute to the projects.
Update: Apparently, you do not have to delete the original Music app in order to install the new one.
Software developers often include QR codes on their website, so users can install their app easily by scanning the QR code on the computer screen.
The joy of an app phone (as opposed to a mere smartphone, which only gets e-mail) is that you can download and install your own little programs and operate them on a touch screen.
The app was made available for download online, and required users to install it manually.
Hover over the web app icon to access further options, including the option to install a web app shortcut to your desktop or menu.
Some software does get a tangible speed improvement as a 64-bit app while at the same time not winding up with an excessively large install size.
There is no new app to install and use, or new service to sign up for.
If you don't want to install a new app or you are on any other kind of smartphone, just hit up the Yahoo! Mobile web page and get started adding all your favorite services.
The last step is to install the Apache Abdera package (see Resources for download), used to make the APP easier to use.
最后一步,安装Apache Abdera程序包(参见参考资料获得下载链接),这个程序可以使APP易于使用。
We are going to use cpanm (from App: : cpanminus) to download and install modules into your local: : lib (so you do not need root access).
我们将会使用cpanm(来自App: cpanminus)下载模块并将它安装到local: lib(无需具有root访问权限)。
Other apps you can "install," which go into an app folder, which opens in a Chrome TAB.
When you launch the GMote app for the first time on your Android device, you’ll be prompted to install the Gmote server software on your computer.
当你在你的Android设备上第一次运行GMote的时候,会有提示让你在电脑上安装GMote Server程序。
Of course, you'd need to install the app to allow it to spy.
Once you recover your phone, Lookout suggests you install its full security app, which is available for free in the Market.
The biggest challenge that we faced is the security aspect of it - making sure you don't install a dodgy app. It's the same issue with extensions.
Synaptic will automatically download and install everything you need to run that app, and when it's all installed you'll be able to launch it from Konqueror.
I was able to easily install the Google + app and link my account to my first-generation HTC Droid Incredible. So far this app is running fine for me — no freezes or crashes.
我很轻松得安装了google +应用并且把它同我的第一代HTC的android手机进行了链接,所以目前为止我的手机google +应用运行得非常良好,没有短路或者瘫痪状态。
Disable Automatic Excel link client install (step performed on the APP server).
Larger install size - If you include both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of a given app in the portable package, you wind up doubling the install-size of an app.
They don’t have to manually install an app; hell, they don’t even need to use anything they’re not already using.
Download the RamDisk app and install it to your system.
Each app links to AppBrain where you can install or use the QR Code.
Launch this app and on its main screen tap "Cydia" then the "Install" button at the top-right.