1 词典释义:
develop expertise
时间: 2025-02-13 09:00:14
英 [dɪˈvɛləp ˌɛkspəːˈtiːz]
美 [dəˈvɛləp ˌɛkspərˈtiz]


  • This pathway helps you to develop expertise in designing and deploying ICT in an...


  • The usual way to accomplish this is to develop expertise in a relatively narrow area and publish like mad in it.


  • Doing so, these experts say, would allow China to develop expertise and gain more experience in global business.


  • Our courses are designed for candidates who wish to develop expertise in their areas so as to further their professional and academic careers.


  • If you want to start a business, you need to develop expertise in both short-term and long-range planning; it's about to become a big part of your life.

    如果你想自主创业,你就要专门开发自己制作长期计划和短期计划的能力。 这将会占据你生活中的很大一部分。

  • We argue that mapping players' identity trajectories by allowing them to develop expertise within communities is a profitable way to frame learning through gaming.


  • To grow the business, he needs to develop management expertise and innovation across his team.


  • The "Develop" and "Deploy" phases entail operational expertise to implement requirements determined in the "Plan" phase.


  • This collaboration is essential to our ability as an organization to develop both the products and expertise needed to help our customers achieve their results.


  • 'we've clearly communicated that we will use the expertise that we have as global beverage company to further develop the Huiyuan brand,' a Coke spokesman said Thursday.


  • Often the proposal scope is multidimensional, wherein the customer expects both a software product recommendation as well as consulting expertise to develop an end-to-end application.


  • The toolkit's iterative development environment lets you customize elements of your host application gradually, as you develop and expand your expertise with the HATS toolkit and its capabilities.

    工具包的迭代开发环境,使您在利用 HAT 工具包及其功能开发和扩展自己的专业技能的同时,逐步自定义主机应用程序的各个元素。

  • It takes a long time to develop the expertise needed to produce the canonical functions that make up the helper libraries.


  • It has taken advantage of this expertise in offshore exploration and production to win contracts to develop deep-water fields in countries like Angola and Nigeria.


  • She did not have the expertise to develop the peptide herself.


  • Often, the hard stuff is easier once you’ve finished the easier bits – you develop the expertise to handle parts that earlier were beyond your abilities.


  • UPMC and IBM have a strategic partnering relationship that leverages their respective expertise to jointly develop and market technologies for healthcare.


  • But it is only now that the Russian state has had the resources and technical expertise to develop the fields in one of the most inhospitable places on Earth.


  • Organizers of the NeON project (Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies) selected FAO's expertise in global fisheries information systems to help develop a warning system for depleting fish stocks.


  • At headquarters, James would develop strategy and meet with customers only when her expertise was needed.

    而Helen James则在总部制定战略,同时会见那些只有她的专长才能应付的客户。

  • This expertise makes Trulite uniquely equipped to design and develop this type of product.

    Trulite的总裁Ron Seftick说,“这些技术使Trulite在设计和开发这类产品中独一无二。”

  • These contracts were similar to service contracts and required the IOCs to invest their own capital and expertise to develop an oil or gas field.


  • Company to develop areas of expertise in order to consolidate the market quality, standards-establish the image of service users in good faith.


  • Stay abreast of available relevant research (in-house, client, other) or media industry trend in order to develop more effective media strategies and enhance team's overall expertise.


  • Breakthrough Platforms - will utilize the unique skill sets and expertise of employees in Asia to create and develop new medical device technologies.

