Defense Department computer network called ARPAnet, which stood for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network.
国防部的计算机网络叫做 ARPAnet,指代高级研究计划署网络。
The Internet had its origins in a 1969 U.S. Defense Department computer network called ARPAnet, which stood for Advanced Research Project Agency.
The same year, Arpanet ceased to exist.
That was the beginning of the fledgling Arpanet network.
Arpanet gets first international nodes, in England and Norway.
The first international connections to ARPANET are established.
The ARPANET was one of the "eve" networks of today's Internet.
By December 1969 the first four nodes of ARPANET were up and running.
The United States largely developed the ARPANET and its successor, the Internet.
Arpanet gets first East Coast node, at Bolt, Beranek and Newman in Cambridge, Mass.
The internet as it is now known was born when ARPANET was converted to TCP/IP in 1983.
They came up with an idea about networking computers, which became something called the ARPANET.
October 29, 1969, the first-ever computer-to-computer link is established on ARPANET, the precursor to the Internet.
With its truncated missive 40 years ago today, ARPANET became the world's first operational packet-switching network.
It was called Arpanet, for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, and was developed by scientists in the US Defense Department.
当时称其为阿帕网(Arpanet,取自高级研究计划署网络advance Research Projects Agency net work),由美国国防部的科学家们研发而成。
Instead, the creation of a worldwide packet-switching system was left to the Pentagon, which devised ARPANET, the predecessor to the Internet.
Immediately after the message was sent, complaints were rampant and the sender was attacked by Arpanet, though he was not charged with a crime.
On Sept. 2, two computers at University of California, Los Angeles, exchange meaningless data in first test of Arpanet, an experimental military network.
What he typed could not even be sent as an E-mail, in case it crashed the ancient Arpanet system; he had to send a message to say that it could be downloaded.
The success heralded the start of ARPANET, a telecommunications network designed to link researchers around America who were working on projects for the Pentagon.
Though plans for ARPAnet had been brewing since the early 1960s, it wasn't ready for prime time until fall 1969 — and even then things didn't go exactly as planned.
They came up with an idea about networking computers, which became something called the ARPANET. And many people say that's the technical ancestor of today's Internet.
An Arpanet network was established between Harvard, MIT, and BBN (the company that created the "interface message processor" computers used to connect to the network) in 1970.
The system gained gradual adoption over the next few years (with prodding from the Arpanet overlords at Darpa), first supplementing and then entirely supplanting the host tables.
It contained a rough schematic drawing and suggested using coaxial cable for the connections and using data packets like Hawaii's AlohaNet or the Defense Department's Arpanet.
The Defence Department's Defence Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA) supported the creation of ARPANET, the predecessor of the internet, despite a lack of interest from the private sector.
A Major goal of the ARPAnet project was to increase the military's command and control capability by enabling communication across a variety of physically dissimilar media, including satellites.
AR PA网项目的主要目标是通过能够在各种实际不相似的媒介(包括卫星)上进行通信来提高军事指挥与控制的能力。