We need to fire up one of the generators.
《牛津词典》The president knows his task is to fire up the delegates.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Now fire up the debugger.
Don't fire up like that. No one meant to hurt your feelings.
We can fire up the application again and the table will be there.
As we mentioned earlier, a quiet save doesn't fire up any events.
Just fire up a browser, navigate to your site, and make an evaluation.
Even the most delicious food cannot fire up my appetite when summer comes.
For Internet Explorer, fire up the Windows Update app under the Start Menu.
Sweet treats and alcohol fire up many of the same reward circuits in the brain.
To test your installation, just fire up "scalac -version" from a command prompt.
要测试安装,从命令行提示符中激发 scalac -version。
After you type the code into the.gdbinit file, fire up GDB and enter the CLS command.
在将该代码键入. gdbinit文件以后,调出gdb并输入cls命令。
Contexts are created when you first fire up a web application, so this will work nicely.
Fire up your kernel configurator of choice, and include the HDAPS drivers in your config.
I didn't have to fire up a Web container or even specify where to deploy the application.
On the third attempt, the engine of our brand-new, seven-year-old Fiat managed to fire up;
July is coming. It's a time to fire up the barbecue, hit the beaches and watch the fireworks.
Start the xterm, fire up your favorite editor, and let's begin creating a useful.gdbinit file!
启动xterm,调出您最喜欢的编辑器,让我们开始创建一个有用的. gdbinit文件吧!
When you get to the interview, fire up Parkingspots.com to find the best place to put your car.
Fire up an xterm session, and let's begin to explore object files by creating a clean workbench.
While they consume less power overall, a serious burst of current is needed to fire up each pixel.
Apart from increasing the level of awareness across the team, it will fire up high-energy individuals.
If you haven't already done so, fire up a Python interpreter and try some of the ideas I've discussed.
Everyone in IT should be able to fire up wireshark, netmon, snoop, or some basic network capturing tool.
If you're an Office 2007 user, now's the time to fire up Windows Update and get going on that 290mb download.
如果你是一个Office 2007用户,现在是时候启动windows更新管理器下载那290m的更新包了。
WHEN you fire up your web browser to read the latest news, the choice of news sites and blogs is overwhelming.
Read a few pages of your book or a blog post - Hit the mute button grab your book or fire up your feed-reader.
看几页书或浏览一下博客- - -按下遥控器的静音键拿起书看几页或者和浏览一下你的网络阅读器。
You could, for example, set auto scaling to fire up new instances based on some metric, such as incoming traffic.
Fire up the Gimp or your image manipulation tool of choice and combine the overlays you downloaded for your area.
启动The Gimp或您选用的图像处理工具,并与下载的您所在地区的覆盖图结合。