Awareness of the problem has grown ever since the term, fetal alcohol syndrome, was coined in 1973.
Alcohol is the most common cause of preventable birth defects, including fetal alcohol syndrome.
I've been giving this ChildLife multivitamin to my 10 year old daughter with fetal alcohol syndrome for 3 weeks now.
Since the term was coined about 40 years ago, fetal alcohol syndrome has slowly become recognized as a public health issue.
Fetal alcohol syndrome is also an issue because affected children require special-needs schooling and other forms of specialized care.
Babies swith fetal alcohol syndrome are more likely to be born small and to develop problems of the heart, kidney and brain, according to the CDC.
It's well known that fetal alcohol syndrome occurs when pregnant women drink excessively and causes behavioural and physical harm to the child after birth.
If Chong's group can confirm that fetal alcohol syndrome causes epigenetic changes in humans too, it might allow the syndrome to be spotted earlier on in life.
"I saw then that fetal alcohol syndrome was much more common than people thought... Public awareness [in South Africa] started with our initial research," he says.
Alcohol and acetaldehyde altered fluidity of VYS and lead to functional disorder, this probably plays important roles in human fetal alcohol syndrome induced.
This suggests that if women drink too much in pregnancy, epigenetic changes may cause some of the permanent symptoms seen in fetal alcohol syndrome in their children.
An alcoholic mother may have a handicapped and stunted child with fetal alcohol syndrome, which is due to the effects of ethanol and malnutrition on fetal development.
Alcohol consumption by an expectant mother may cause fetal alcohol syndrome and pre-term birth complications, which are detrimental to the health and development of neonates.
Heavy drinking during pregnancy can lead to spontaneous abortion or a range of disabilities known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, of which fetal alcohol syndrome is the most severe.
Some with fetal alcohol effects may appear relatively normal but have behavioral problems and learning deficits like those with the syndrome.