The government and its opponents compete to exploit the troubles to their advantage.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Taking advantage of our standards and tools that exploit them, OMG members have this integration task well underway.
利用我们的标准和支持这些标准的工具,O MG成员正在完成集成方面的工作。
Far from violating the laws of motion, animals exploit them to their advantage as they walk, run, dodge and jink, leap and fly, pounce on prey or spring to safety.
Another advantage is the use of the underlying storage system to exploit performance.
To fully take advantage of ext4, a file system migration is necessary to convert and exploit the new ext4 format.
InfoQ: Could you tell us the advantage of using JRuby over parse tree or any other solutions, to exploit Ruby code?
InfoQ:你能告诉我们使用JRuby而不是parse tree或者其他解决方案来解析ruby代码的优势吗?
In any event, they have a serious intent: to exploit what they believe to be Iran's enhanced position in the world and to use it to their advantage back home.
But if an actor can avoid that trap, there are serious benefits to movie stardom too, and Mr. Clooney seems to know how to exploit the advantage his good looks and charm have given him.
Although rules limiting physical contact are probably the easiest for players to exploit, athletes can also take advantage of guidelines on injuries.
When I took control of Berkshire in 1965, I didn't exploit this advantage.
Likewise, operational commanders anticipate the results of battles and engagements, and prepare to exploit them to obtain the greatest strategic advantage.
A team of hackers, known as pod2g, saidthey had found a possible exploit, which takes advantage of a loophole indevices running Apple’s IOS platform.
Explore and exploit corporate data for strategic business advantage.
They are trying to exploit the situation to their advantage.
Increasingly sophisticated marketers are also taking advantage of technology to obtain and exploit information about consumers' credit histories and buying habits.
In this regard, commanders exploit tactical victories to gain strategic advantage, or even to reverse the strategic effect of tactical losses.
Analyse the characteristics and problems of rural labour force resource in Shuzhou and put forward five countermeasures to suitabley make advantage of and exploit rural labour force.
Competitive Strategies: an important element in doing this is an industry analysis. The key is to exploit a competitive advantage.
We will further publicize the fine traditions of Chinese culture and take advantage of modern means of science and technology to exploit the rich resources of our national culture.
The advantage of mutual help is threatened by defectors, who exploit the benefits provided by others without providing benefits in return.
We can move anywhere depending on the situation in front of us. If I see an opportunity I can exploit on the right-hand side of the pitch I'll go over and take advantage of it.