The model file is in MDL format.
You can get your MDL password after you return your application form.
We construct an objective function based on Minimum Description Length (MDL).
We employ the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle for model estimation.
MDL or.mdx; you have seen examples from the Loan Approval example in this article.
The first Scorpene from MDL is expected to join the Indian Navy by the end of 2012.
The performance includes three steps. (1)MDL is used to calculate SC of each verb-noun pair;
具体步骤包括:(1) 基于MDL原则计算与动词搭配的名词的SC值;
An MDL version of the model ensures the model does not bloat or fragment over time when categories are deleted.
If a model has been divided into separate files, the files other than the main (.mdl) file are called subunits.
如果模型被分成单独的文件,那么除了主(. mdl)文件以外的其他文件都称为subunit(子单元)。
The example in Figure 4 shows that there are four subunits (.cat files) referenced by the Rose model (.mdl) file.
图4中的实例显示出Rose模型(. mdl)文件所引用的四个子单元(. cat文件)。
The experiments show MDL performs better than LSC, and the combining approach is the best. No ontology is involved.
Model: Use the Browse button to select the Rose model (the .mdl file) that you want to import into other Rational software.
模型:使用 Browse 按钮选择您想导入到其他 Rational 软件中的 Rose 模型(.mdl 文件)。
Finally, the trees, 3ds model and (MD2, MDL) the animation model are used in the scene, and the granule algorithm is used to realize t.
最后,在场景中调用了树、3ds模型和(MD 2、MDL)动画模型,并使用粒子算法实现了爆炸效果。
Gaussian mixture model is firstly built as the statistical model for the intensity image, with an estimation of index number using MDL.
TEMPLAR employs minimum description length (MDL) complexity regularization to learn a template with a sparse representation in the wavelet domain.
This paper studies the application of minimum description length (MDL) criterion for estimating root-mean-squared (RMS) delay spread (RDS) for MIMO OFDM systems.
研究了MIMO OFDM系统中最小描述长度(MDL)准则在均方根时延扩展估计中的应用。
Effects of quenching agents on the intrinsic fluorescence and fluorescence spectroscopy of the antibacterial peptide MDL-1 from Musua Domestica Larvae were studied.
本文研究了家蝇幼虫抗菌肽mdl - 1的荧光光谱和淬灭剂对内源性荧光的影响。
Furthermore the source number estimation method based on theory of MDL and the algorithm of MUSIC based on sub-space projection technique are also introduced briefly.
并且简单介绍了基于最小描述长度(MDL)原理的信源数目估计方法以及基于子空间投影技术的MU SIC算法。
The basic principle and technology approach that applying MDL chemical reaction database software and computer aided design system in the synthetical routes of energetic materials are expounded.