It was a bold stroke to reveal the identity of the murderer on the first page.
《牛津词典》However, his dream of going to outer space was put in jeopardy when a murder investigator threatens to reveal his true identity.
A Christie's spokeswoman would not reveal the identity of the winning bidder.
In that video, and several that follow, he's careful not to show his face or reveal his identity.
SpotCloud differs from other spot markets in that it is "opaque" : the firms offering capacity do not have to reveal their identity.
This is usually carried out by a third party, who puts the data in order and then discloses it in a way that does not reveal the identity of any individual data provider.
Tragedy and ill-starred romance have ruined Wang Qiyao’s reputation; she is pregnant with the child of a lover whose identity she refuses to reveal.
Holder did not reveal the identity of the detainees in his statement.
And that's true for me, too," says Chen, who is cautious and does not to want to reveal her identity.
对于我也是如此,” 陈说。 她很谨慎,不愿泄露自己的身份。
It is becoming ever more difficult to browse the Internet without leaving behind digital footprints that reveal your identity.
To allow your user to successfully create an identity, you need to provide ways for users to reveal themselves online. Four elements of online identity are.
Last month, another former model, Carla Franklin, persuaded a judge to force YouTube to reveal the identity of a troll who made a disparaging comment about her on the video-sharing site.
上个月,另一个叫Carla Franklin的模特要求Youtube显示那个在这个视频分享网站上诽谤她的匿名者信息。
These ornate masquerades and charades that are part of his complexity reveal something about his identity.
This may not directly reveal his identity, but can be very revealing.
The folk-culture may be used to reveal the suspect's identity character, range of terrain, criminal motive, and the tricks of anti-detection in detecting crime.
The journalist did not want to reveal the identity of his informant.
Mrs Briggs refused to reveal the baby's identity to police and denied having given birth to him.
Have yet to reveal their client's identity. But yesterday the client wired money to pay for storage at that address.
Christie's spokeswoman would not reveal the identity of the winning bidder.
They decided to publicly reveal their identity so they would not be forced to lie to friends and family.
He is a mixed blood descendant of Malays and European, at the later story the identity of his real parents will reveal his true destiny.
In case of dispute, the group manager can reveal the identity of actual signer.
Taking a phenomenological stance, the empirical results reveal many nuanced shades of bi-cultural identity.
She refused to reveal her identity.
But she's in love with spiderman, and he can't reveal his true identity to her.
The paper uses the language of the Bai nationality to reveal the different expressive forms of their ethnic identity due to different historical, social and cultural situations.