The cutting part of a drill usually pointed and threaded and is replaceable in a brace or bitstock or.
The pointed end could of course be used as a drill, while the long blades on either side would cut trees or meat or scrape bark or skins.
It is pointed out that the high speed drilling by using the thick film CVD diamond drill is a good method to get high quality holes.
Context Feb. 21, buyers in a three drill seller store bought a pair of boots, high in the paper from his shoes when found a forepaws about 3 cm long, pointed towards the nail nails.
前因后果 2月21日,买家在一个三钻卖家店里买了一双高靴子,在取左脚鞋子的垫纸时发现前脚掌有一枚约三厘米长的钉子,钉尖朝上。