Product selection, sourcing, pricing and quality control.
Product selection, generally speaking, occurs before development begins.
When designing an ESB the requirements should drive the ESB product selection.
The user is guided, quite intentionally, from product selection through purchase.
In your opinion, how important is standard support for the open source product selection.
From the available product selection, ensure the TM1 product is selected before clicking the Next button.
从可用产品选项中,确保选中tm 1产品,然后单击Next按钮。
Guide dealer through the process of contracts, account set up, product selection, and store location.
The "Valve Selection & Specification Guide" includes valuable information to assist in product selection.
“阀门选择和规格说明指南”包括有价值的信息,有助于产品的正确选择。 罙。
This product selection in the spiral thousand 3 Jin made top mobile platform has a wide application scope.
No other industrial automation company in the world offers a larger product selection of sensors and interface devices.
Widely used in mining, building material, transportation, energy, chemical industry product selection and classification.
Search" LCD TV prices", then the user's intention was promoted very high level, basically has entered product selection comparison stage.
As such I never start my design with the products but rather with the lighting effects that I want to achieve and then work backwards to my product selection.
The roadmap and reference architecture should provide guidelines, and even options, for product selection for any given domain to ensure enterprise-wide optimization.
The inconvenience of product selection and function realization can be solved at a certain extent when the method of designing real-time driver has been mastered.
Architect the ESB and make your ESB product selection based on your reference architecture and a realistic set of requirements across the complete set of project plans.
The 2010 Product Selection Guide is a tool for helping engineers, scientists, and technicians quickly and efficiently find the best solution for their applications.
But according to the needs of different clients, providing equipment design, computer image processing software development, product selection and other technical service.
We bring to each customer a unique blend of engineering leadership, international experience, customized product development, extensive product selection, and expert service.
The product selection Thailand natural wild plants Pueraria lobata, wild papaya and natural raw materials for soybeans, the use of the latest science and technology from developed.
Physicians certified in Transfusion Medicine are trained in blood product selection and management, immunohematology, apheresis, stem cell collection, cellular therapy, and coagulation.
The system combines e-business and e-commerce processes into one process that guides users through requirements approval, product selection, funding certification, purchase, and asset tracking.
Media Selection for advertisements after determining the target audience for a product or service, advertising agencies must select the appropriate media for the advertisement.
Font selection usually depends on the type of product or service offered, and it also must be consistent with the overall design.
Select a product from the returned selection list, then select a component from the next selection list that appears.
For example, an aspect of a business relationship is the vendor's pricing model, which may influence the selection of a particular product.
It is also useful when making framework and platform choices and during vendor product analysis and selection activities.