As it is just a coincidence, no one should be to blame for it.
A secret voice tells us that we must be to blame for being idle.
Experts say that misconceptions of wealth might be to blame for the trend.
Cigarette smoking may be to blame for one in five cardiovascular disease deaths.
The researchers suspect that the shape of the human ear canal may be to blame for the pain.
Take an honest look at your behavior and ask yourself if you might be to blame for your repeated job loss.
Investigators say design flaws in steel plates holding the bridge together may be to blame for the disaster.
Your mother may be to blame for your relationship woes (though choosing a better mate could improve matters).
A new report says that weak social ties may be to blame for the higher incidence of mental disorders in cities.
Meat production is estimated to be to blame for around 18 per cent of the gases thought to cause man-made global warming.
Many scientists believe the Earth suffered a direct hit from an asteroid or that a comet could be to blame for the extinction.
The professors point out that companies may be prospering in the stock market, but can still be to blame for major social, environment, and economic problems.
Driving after drinking should be to blame for the terrible traffic accident. Not until the driver was caught in the broken car did he know he had caused trouble.
Today he still takes the blame for not educating these "business-leaders-to-be".
That is why they should not be so fast to take all the blame - or credit - for everything that their children become.
Who is to blame for the menacing deadlock and what can be done to overcome it?
African farmers are sometimes thought to be somehow responsible for their low yields, but the blame lies with the technology at their disposal.
The funny thing is, when you realize that organizations must be led horizontally as well as vertically, it \ 's harder to blame others for organizational failings.
Does any of this matter? Why should we be concerned about the effort to shift the blame for bad policies onto the general public?
The WCRF figures do not take into account cancer that would be prevented by giving up smoking. Tobacco is to blame for around a third of cases of the disease.
And Congress may not even be able to accurately apportion blame or determine the price to be paid for past mistakes.
What should have been a chance to back domestic peace talks (which have not happened) could instead be a moment for recrimination, with Pakistanis to take the blame.
But then at least it would be plain who was to blame for the misery.
Mrs Merkel is not to blame for the euro crisis but she dithered when it came, hoping that bail-outs of Greece and other shaky euro-zone members could be put off until after NRW’s election.
Cheney, stressing repeatedly that he and Bush had kept the US from a further attack after 9/11, appears to be setting up Obama to take the blame for another terrorist attack.
Don't be too quick to blame others for your bad mood.
The funny thing is, when you realize that organizations must be led horizontally as well as vertically, it's harder to blame others for organizational failings.