A cool breeze made the heat bearable.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》She was the only thing that made life bearable.
《牛津词典》BAA and the government think that because aircraft are getting quieter and cleaner the extra flights will be bearable.
It ends by becoming bearable.
Say you wanted make their last month bearable.
Goodness in the other becomes bearable, even enjoyable.
So let's focus on making the job itself a bit more bearable.
All this while I felt that my laptop is slow but it's bearable.
Weak returns are bearable if the market grows and the rules are clear.
what happens when doctors decide a patient has no chance of a bearable life?
But I tell you, it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon on the day of judgment than for you.
With a bed, kettle, TV, radio alarm clock, it boasts everything needed to make a long wait bearable.
Note: if the system appears simply too slow to be bearable, you can exit X-windows by entering runlevel 3.
注:如果无法忍受系统过慢的显示速度,您可以通过输入runlevel 3来退出X窗口。
It was bearable while households appeared to be getting richer, thanks to inflating house and share prices.
She resolved to find a new job, but in the meantime, she wanted to find some ways to make her job bearable.
Luckily, we have a really great instructor. Chef Laura makes the wedding cake classes so much more bearable.
If you're stuck in one you hate, here are a few ideas to make it bearable until something better comes along.
The idea of spending forever with someone was bearable because humans only lived until the ripe old age of 40.
Noam Sobel of the Weizmann Institute, in Israel, may have found a way to make this fate slightly more bearable.
以色列魏兹曼研究所的Noam Sobel可能发现了一种方法,能使这种命运让人好受点。
In February Americans flinch at an inflation rate of 18% that drops to a hardly bearable 12.7% as the year ends.
And though the rows were fierce, they were far more bearable than being out of the spotlight and unseen by others.
Driving a bad car is never bearable. It's never good enough, but I have this big motivation to turn things around.
In some cases, the woman's family and friends may act as if the abuse is bearable or deny its existence altogether.
As they sipped teas and lattes, they explained how the pollution was devastating but bearable — for the time being.
Thank goodness that this is the case, because these ornamented objects are only bearable in the shabbiest execution.
The first is that the austerity programmes needed to cut deficits are killing the growth needed to make debt bearable.
Go encourages the use of composition and delegation over inheritance, and offers some syntactic sugar to make it more bearable.
- questionableadj. 可疑的;引起疑议的;有疑问的;有问题的;不确定的;未必准确的;未必正确的;有争议的
- availableadj. 可获得的;可找到的;可用的;可利用的;可供选择的;空闲的;有空的;可供会见的;可供支配的;可供购买的;可购得的;可供应的;可接近的;未婚的;独身的;未被占用的
- innumerableadj. 无数的;很多的;数不胜数的;不计其数的;成千上万的
- manageableadj. 可管理的;可处理的;可控制的;可操纵的;容易使用的;易操作的;可驾驭的
- insatiableadj. 贪得无厌的;不知足的;无法满足的;欲壑难填的;极度渴求的
- unableadj. 无能力的;不能的;不会的;无法的;不具备所需能力的
- reliableadj. 可信赖的;可依靠的;稳定的;信得过的;准确的;可信的;确实的;确凿的;(经反复试验)可得出相同结果的
- compatibleadj. 兼容的;相容的;协调的;适合的;一致的;亲和的;协调一致的;(因志趣等相投而)关系好的;可和谐共存的;可和睦相处的;匹配的;不矛盾的;能共处的;相辅相成的;可共用的;<植>可异花受精的;可嫁接的
- predictableadj. 可预测的;可预料的;可预见的;易于预见的;不出所料的;意料之中的;易于判断的;可推断的
- pronounceableadj. 读得出的; 可发音的; 可断言的
- enablev. 使能够;使有能力;使实现;使可能;使成为可能;使可行;使有机会;使有权利;授权;允许;许可;批准;启用;开启(功能);激活(设备或系统)
- conceivableadj. 可想象的;可能的;想得到的;设想得到的;在想象范围内的
- mutableadj. 易变的;可变的;会变的;不稳定的;不固定的;易于改变的
- justifiableadj. 合理的;正当的;有充分理由的;情有可原的;可辩解的;公正的;可接受的
- avoidableadj. 可作为无效的;可回避的;能避免的;可避免的
- replaceableadj. 可替换的;可代替的;可置换的
- applicableadj. 适用的;适合的;合适的;适宜的;可应用的;可实施的
- insufferableadj. 难以忍受的;难以容忍的;极其烦人的
- portableadj. 便携的;手提的;轻便的;可移动的;可转移的;移动式的;便于传输的;可搬运的
- traceableadj. 可追踪的;起源于;可追溯的
- undesirableadj. 不受欢迎的;不想要的;令人不悦的;不合意的;不希望的;不得人心的;易惹麻烦的;不宜的
- remarkableadj. 引人注目的;非凡的;显著的;值得注意的;杰出的;奇异的;异常的;不同寻常的;卓越的
- renewableadj. 可再生的;可更新的;再生性的;可复原的;可恢复的;可持续利用的;(中断之后)可继续的;(刊物等)可续订的;(图书等)可续借的;可换新的;(契约等)可重订的;(证件等)可延长有效期的
- likableadj. 讨人喜欢的;令人愉快的;可爱的;和蔼可亲的;容易相处的
- curableadj. 可治疗的;可痊愈的;可矫正的;可修复的
- foreseeableadj. 可预见的;可预知的;可预料的;能预测到的;可预计的;可预期的
- understandableadj. 可理解的;明白的;合乎情理的;易懂的
- inseparableadj. 不可分割的;密不可分的;形影不离的;总是一起的;不可分离的
- unattainableadj. 无法实现的;难以达到的;不可达成的;难以获得的;无法获得的;不可企及的
- disputableadj. 可争论的;有争议的;可辩论的;有待讨论的;值得商榷的
- sustainableadj. 可持续的;可维持的;(对自然资源和能源的利用)环境友好的;不破坏生态平衡的;合理利用的;耐用的;可支撑的;站得住脚的;长效的;持久的
- inalienableadj. 不可剥夺的;不可分割的;不可转让的;不可让渡的;固有的;天赋的
- unforgettableadj. 难忘的;永生难忘的;令人难以忘怀的
- durableadj. 耐用的;耐磨的;耐腐蚀的;持久的;坚韧不拔的;结实的;坚固的
- imaginableadj. 可以想象的;可设想的;在想象范围内的
- achievableadj. 可有成就的;可完成的;做得成的
- distinguishableadj. 可区别的;可辨别的;隐约可辨的
- identifiableadj. 可辨认的;可识别的
- refundableadj. 可偿还的;可退还的;可归还的
- explicableadj. 可解释的;可说明的;可理解的;能解释清楚的
- unbearableadj. 难以忍受的;难耐的;令人无法容忍的;无法接受的;承受不住的;令人痛苦的;难以处理的
- measurableadj. 可测量的;可计量的;可评估的;显著的
- affordableadj. 价格合理的;经济实惠的;买得起的;负担得起的;不会造成经济负担的;可支付的;购买得起的
- unassailableadj. 不容置疑的;不可战胜的;无法摧毁的;无懈可击的;坚不可摧的;不可争辩的;无法否认的
- noticeableadj. 显著的;明显的;显而易见的;引人注目的;值得注意的;突出的
- appreciableadj. 可观的;(大得)可以觉察到的;足以认为重要的;显著的;可感知的;明显的;值得注意的;可估量的
- disposableadj. 一次性的;用完即丢的;即用即弃的;可任意处理的;可随意使用的;可随时调用的;可支配的;可动用的
- tillableadj. 适于耕种的;可耕种的
- exportableadj. 可输出的;可出口的;适于输出的
- movableadj. 可移动的;活动的;不固定的;可变动的;动产的
- arguablyadv. 可以论证地;按理说;据称
- permissibleadj. 允许的;可接受的;许可的;可允许的;被认可的;合法的
- intolerableadj. 无法忍受的;难以忍受的;不能容忍的;不可忍受的;极不愉快的;令人极度不舒服的