The Prime Minister eventually decided against reshuffling the Cabinet.
《牛津词典》Was there any reshuffling?
She's reshuffling execs and aiming to trim $1 billion in costs this year.
After some time, Seung Hyun came into the group and there was a reshuffling of the group members.
Reshuffling land use might be the solution, said Sumeeta Srinivasan, an urban planning expert at Harvard.
哈佛大学城市规划专家Sumeeta Srinivasan建议,重新规划土地使用可能是一个解决方案。
Nabokov routinely composed on such CARDS, shuffling and reshuffling the deck as he wrote. It was like constructing a puzzle.
The Fed could accomplish something similar by reshuffling the composition of the $2.6 trillion in Treasury and mortgage bonds it already owns.
Verdezyne is developing new routes to products currently made from petrochemicals, while Codexis makes “super-enzymes” by reshuffling microbial DNA.
The real estate industry enterprises are facing a reshuffling environment and the situation extreme competition. There will be a group of enterprises to be eliminated.
Change is difficult for our industry of late adopters, sent battered back to the drawing board in search of a different outcome - often unsuccessfully, by reshuffling the same inputs.
Jason Anderson, head of EU climate and energy policy at the environment group WWF, says it is important the pledges amount to new money - rather than simply reshuffling existing aid.
欧盟气候与能源政策主任贾森·安德森(Jason Anderson)说,承诺追加援助资金,而不是重新调整现有的援助计划,这点很重要。
When you commit to doing something every single day without exception, you can't rationalize or justify missing a day, nor can you promise to make it up later by reshuffling your schedule.