Latin has become a dead language.
Can Magic Revive a Dead Language?
Latin is a dead language.
Latin is considered as a dead language.
Can Harry Potter wave his magic wand and revive a dead language?
English would be a dead language to us if we do not try to learn speaking.
I enjoy feeling that wizards would continue to use this dead language in their everyday life.
Such phrases are a dead language to us. They are vocabulary from another era that does not reflect the realities of today.
Even a dead language can prompt lively debate, as Matthew W. Stolper, a Chicago professor long involved in the project, once wrote.
一个长期从事于此项目的芝加哥大学教授Matthew W. Stolper写到:“即使是现在没有人使用的语言一样可以引发争论”。
I felt sorry as hell for them. All morning plugging away on John Gilpin's Ride, and in the afternoon coming to me to practise a dead language.
What is strange is that the China Writers' Association, which brings together nearly all of the country's best wordsmiths, knows only how to speak this dead language.
The language which remains unchanged is nothing but dead.
In plain language: they discovered that the people they had been shooting in the dark were Afghan police officers, seven of whom were now dead and four wounded.
The picture of the dead teenager was first published by Anandabazar Patrika, a leading Bangla-language newspaper in Kolkata.
这名少女惨死的照片首先刊登于《喜欢市场报》(Anandabazar Patrika)。这家报社位于加尔各答,是发行量最大的孟加拉语报纸。
Many seemingly different languages are actually genetically related as sisters or Cousins of a big language family and have developed from a common, possibly "dead", ancestral language.
Modernity in Chinese language education, far from being a completed plan, is not a dead history, but still a real existence to extend to the future , which is constantly changing its face.
Today the bad luck dead telephone went bad has spent 300 ocean translation existing writing language unexpectedly …I am so bad luck today. My …