1 词典释义:
more variable
时间: 2024-12-19 14:38:54


  • Unlike the song sparrow, which repeats one of its several song types in bouts before switching to another, the warbler continuously composes much longer and more variable songs without repetition.


  • However, when I have been paid, no thought of return, the natural harvest more variable.


  • "The heat input into the stratosphere is much more variable than we thought," says Lockwood.

    “进入平流层的热量比我们想象中的要多变得多。”Lock wood说道。

  • The results showed that the leaf traits of herb were more variable than those of shrub and tree.


  • In contrast, chemical synapses are capable of more variable signaling and thus can produce more complex behaviors.


  • It suggest that a more variable indoor temperature, one that more closely mirrors temperatures outside, may be beneficial.


  • There is little doubt that Americans' incomes are more variable than they were a generation ago, but the story is a nuanced one.


  • The fact that household saving rates have plunged in the past three decades does not suggest Americans are terrified by the spectre of more variable incomes.


  • He therefore sees the rationale for separating ownership and management, since asset-light firms, having more variable costs, have more scope for efficiency gains.


  • Pre-conditioning broil ers to heat stress to encourage better survival during transport, for example, could lead to more variable breast meat taste, appearance and texture.

    举个例子, 为了更好地提高火鸡在运输途中的存活率所使用的热力温控烤箱 ,可能会让胸脯肉产生更多中变化的味道、外观以及口感。

  • Conclusion the clinicopathologic characteristics of obstructive chronic pancreatitis was more variable and the surgical management should be also different for individuals.


  • To improve the efficiency of wind power utilization, we employ more and more variable-pitch controllers and variable-speed constant-frequency (VSCF) controllers in wind-power generating systems.


  • Rainfall in the Maya homeland is unpredictably variable between years; some recent years have had three or four times more rain than other years.


  • There's a lurking variable which is just that people are more likely to be born in June.


  • The program transfers the array nodes into more descriptive variable names, making the code easier to follow.


  • Rain was likely to become more intense and variable in many places, and farmers in the arid and semi-arid tropics were likely to become more vulnerable.


  • In addition to using the right multiples, the valuation model should be based on more than just one variable.


  • This can be marginally more efficient than using a temporary variable and, by making the code terser, makes it either easier to read or more cryptic, depending on your point of view.


  • The post-processor plug-in approach is a bit more difficult to master, but more powerful than the context variable method.


  • Furthermore, it makes it far more likely that one local variable will be reused for several different things, possibly unintentionally.


  • We'll cover the FS variable in more detail later in this article.


  • You'll learn more about the $tag variable later in this section, but suffice it to say that it holds the name of the tag currently open.

    在本节中,稍后您将了解关于 $tag 变量的更多信息,但是可以这样说,它保存了当前打开的标记的名称。

  • Errno.h is needed for the declaration of errno, the global system call error number variable (more on that below).


  • Support for variable name lengths requires more understanding of the use of regular expressions in syntax match


  • The upDev and downDev variables and comparison logic are designed to acquire these contiguous tonal changes if they deviate more than the MAX_TONE_DEV variable.

    当偏差值超过 MAX_TONE_DEV 变量时,upDev 和 downDev 变量以及比较逻可用于采集连续音调变化。

  • There is also multivariate testing, which compares more than one variable.

