It can work in 10 m or will cause explosion.
It is forbidden to put batteries in fire so as not to cause explosion.
Do not store batteries in high temperature environment with 45, Do not drop the battery, or batteries may cause explosion.
Gasoline vapor volatile developed to a certain concentration limit, just with the call, answer the process of sparking easily cause explosion.
The highness of steam pressure of the heat supply and the problem of manufacturing qualities, when the softening kettle is running in test, cause explosion.
This paper reports that by using laser optical fiber to cause explosion of PbN2 drug tube, the outside body stone can be broken and satisfactory results have been obtained.
In the oxygen making, any careless use will cause explosion of the air separation equipment, whose consequence is extremely serious, either suffering injury or personnel casualty.
In order to prevent generating thick biogas in the shoalbank ecosystem to cause explosion, a silo and a movable cover are arranged, people may enter and detect to guarantee safe operation.
为防止含生物膜的砂洲生态系统内产生浓沼气引发爆炸,在该处设竖井 和活动盖,人可以进去检测,保证安全运行。
A very severe explosion can damage the crankcase door and cause fire in the engine room.
A statement issued by the energy giant raised further concerns as it omitted to mention the explosion - only a fire - and did not give the cause of the blaze.
The situation has been brought under control by the fire department and the cause of this explosion is being investigated by local police officials.
Al Santostefano, Middletown's deputy fire marshal, declined to comment on the cause of the explosion, but in a statement he said the mayor 'assures the public that there is no public health threat.'
米德尔敦的消防队副队长Al Santostefano拒绝就爆炸起因置评,不过他在一份声明中说,市长向公众保证公共健康没有受到威胁。
The explosion did not cause much damage to the reactor itself.
Have you determined the cause of the explosion?
Cutting or welding of empty containers might cause fire, explosion or toxic fumes from residues.
Police are investigating the cause of the explosion.
William's elos President Armstrong says the firm is investigating the cause of explosion and assessing the standard of damage, the company's plant in guys Louisiana.
Have you determined the bottom cause of the explosion?
Firecrackers often cause fire and explosion, killing and injuring many people.
Nobody knew the cause of the explosion.
These two chemicals interact with each other at a certain temperature to produce a substance which could cause an explosion.
Leaving the heating part on while the heater is empty could cause an explosion or burn out elements.