The great Carolus Linnaeus concluded that the two were distinct taxa: Thea viridis and Thea bohea.
That year, Thea day, We are acquainted for.
I think there will be movie thea-ters in 1, 000 years.
Thea: Well, she's just gone into hospital for a facelift.
THEA LEE: Our workers are in direct competition to workers overseas.
Boston University professor Donald Thea led the research in Pakistan.
Thecorrosion resistance of the coatings were tested through anodic polarization curve. TheA.
Thea Dymke: Facebook... analogue Networking. An Aesthetic Experiment of analogue Social Networking.
A survey by Thea Hilhorst of 99 smaller projects in Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger reported "hardly any" rural job creation.
Thea Hilhorst做了在贝宁,布基纳法索和尼日尔的99个小的项目的调查,结果显示“几乎没有任何”创造任何农村的就业机会。
Of these themes, several emerged that help better understand the thinking behind editorials like the one in Thea Global Times.
When the doctor came in to see Thea. Mrs. Kronborg was reflecting that the washing was a week behind. and deciding what she had better do about it.
When Thea and her husband moved to Los Angeles a few years ago, she had no friends close by and was alone frequently while her husband worked long hours.
We know it is not easy, but the very real pain you at times feel, is Thea motivating driver of inner reflection. A you are on the cusp of a great quantum leap.
The great [Carolus] Linnaeus, a century before, working from dried samples brought back from China by earlier explorers, concluded that the two were distinct taxa: Thea viridis and Thea bohea.