"Is there anything we can do to help?" Christy asks as she and Alice sit in on an otherwise all-male Facebook strategy session.
Was Obama really going to chair a major strategy session the morning after winning the longest and most grueling campaign on record?
As the team meeting unfolded, each person in the strategy session would play his or her part, and dissenting opinions would be politely, or not so politely, dismissed.
Its shares slumped 18 percent in one session on skepticism about its strategy of teaming up with Microsoft for Windows phone software in the smartphone war.
When routing requests, the HTTP router will use the specified LoadBalance strategy for load distribution while maintaining session affinity.
Because session creation is costly, in terms of performance, it is a good strategy to reuse the session object whenever possible.
Without excellent communication networks during a large scale incident a systematic approach will fail. this session will explore communication infrastructure, logistics and strategy.
We hold sharing session regularly, such as immigration information, traveling strategy, luxury products, fashion and clothing, artwork appreciation, car maintenance, etc.
The second was the session to determine the strategy.
SRTP multicast session receiving party and SRTP multicast session sending party starts DTLS handshake, then performs safety strategy pulling-down process;
SRTP组播会话接收 方与SRTP组播会话发送方进行安全策略的下拉过程;