That's not good news for me, then. What about Stockholm syndrome?
But as critics of Stockholm syndrome maintain, these captives were the exceptions.
Hearst was the grandfather of Patty Hearst - the heiress who suffered from Stockholm Syndrome.
赫斯特是派帝赫斯特的祖父——派帝是患有斯德哥尔摩综合症(Stockholm Syndrome)的继承人。
Although Nina suspects that she has developed Stockholm Syndrome for her kidnapper, Kim claims she does not know where Rick is.
The story of Jaycee Dugard raised disturbing questions about both Stockholm syndrome and California's parole system, but it also rekindled hope that other long-missing children may be found alive.
Jaycee Dugard的故事引发了人们对斯德哥尔摩综合症和加利福利亚假释制度的担忧,但同时又重新燃起寻找失踪多年儿童的希望。
Some psychologists have described this relationship as Stockholm Syndrome, a psychological condition when the victim of an abduction identifies with the kidnapper and becomes attached to him or her.