Tom Dey film is described as a dog …
Not tonight dey don't.
A former Dey Brothersdepartment store has been converted to apartments.
Dern big cities is all right fur DE rich, but dey is terrible hard fur DE poor.
I walk along DE river awhile, but dey was lots of drunks all along; men, and women too.
At the beginning of their relationship, they promise each other dey wil buy gifts for each other.
The local cops, the local police had ample evidence that there had been threats to the life of J. Dey.
Jyotirmoy Dey, 56, was shot at point blank range by four gunmen on two motorbikes near his home on Saturday afternoon.
Thus Madame DE Dey, noble, rich, and the mother of an emigre, could not be unaware of the dangers of her cruel situation.
Sarah had the whole Partridge act down. She'd put on the little miniskirt, the go-go boots. and pretend she was Susan Dey.
Prof Kirkpatrick also provides this sample of Nigerian pidgin English: "Monkey DE work, baboon dey chop" (Monkeys work, baboons eat).
科克·帕里克教授还提供了一个尼日利亚混杂英语的例子:“Monkey de work, baboon dey chop”(猴子工作,狒狒吃东西)。
It turns out that the dey factor for the formation of sponge reef was sea level changes and that the growth of reef was in concord with relative eustasy rise.
This suggests, says Mr Dey, that contextual computing needs to be discreet: such systems are, in effect, judging people and trying to influence their behaviour.
Six days after Betka Tudu's birth, female relatives and neighbors in the West Bengal village of Purulia gathered to bless him and "to protect him from harm's way," says Dey.
在Betka Tudu出生6天后,普鲁·利亚地区西孟加拉村庄里的女性亲人和邻居聚在一起为他祈福,并“保护他免于侵害。”Dey说道。
The competition and coordination diatheses which is one of the psychological diatheses must be possessed for the modern people, it is also the dey of training the talent for the modern society.