In USA, container throughputs of leading ports grew strongly YoY.
The CommonStore archiving throughput was rather poor compared to the other sub throughputs.
The transceiver is also capable of handling heightened data throughputs, says the company.
Some solutions are more limited and can't handle the higher throughputs of larger networks.
Tests indicate that this is not the case; the same throughputs can still be reached with this configuration.
The average latency is around 40 microseconds at lower throughputs, rising to 120 microseconds at higher throughputs.
We used 6 Apache server nodes to drive higher workload throughputs during testing and thereby simulate larger deployments.
Having a table on one physical drive and other tables on separate drives can improve throughputs and operational efficiency.
So the first step in optimizing the archive throughput is to determine the likely bottleneck among the four sub-throughputs.
The large active sieve surface and the stepless adjustable rotor speed play a vital role in achieving high throughputs.
Comparing cases 3 and 6 shows that identical setups might result in throughputs from 1.8 to 7 GB, depending on the message size.
比较案例3和6可发现,取决于报文的大小,相同的设置可能导致从1.8到7 GB的不同吞吐量。
The same tuning and tcpblast thread pinning to cores 0,2 now provides the same throughputs on 8-way nodes as it does on 4-way nodes.
现在在 8 路节点上进行相同优化和将 tcpblast 线程固定到核心 0,2 所产生的吞吐量和 4 路节点上的相同。
New extruders can achieve higher throughputs, narrow tolerances and better melt homogeneity and therefore improved product quality.
The plan vs. actual capacity utilization for each process unit allows the end-user to assess the refineries ability to increase product throughputs.
The Dalian port container throughputs in 2006-2010 are also forecasted by using the forecasting system. And then it gives a brief analysis upon the forecasting results.
A dashboard must display key performance indicators such as the input and output throughputs, number of requests waiting and in process, and average waiting and processing times.
It is designed to work with existing mainframe tools and application infrastructure, and offers enterprise-ready 2-phase commit, transactional throughputs, and seamless integration.
设计WebSphere Information Integrator Classic Federation客户机的目的是用来与现有的主机工具和应用程序基础设施一起工作,提供企业就绪(enterprise - ready)两阶段提交、事务吞吐量和无缝集成。
Shanghai has been built to be International Shipping Center. In 2009, its cargo throughput ranks number one and container throughputs of 3 straight years rank number two in the world.
throughput capacity
throughput rate